45 colt h110 load data. 5g HS-6 under 250-255g RNFP as a 'cowboy' load.
45 colt h110 load data The 250gr XTP would be a great deer thumper with Unique or Universal as the propellant, down around 1200-1300fps, or a case full of TrailBoss at . 5 grains of Red Dot under a 250 gr rnfp bullet. 8 938 17. WFNGC using Hodgdon H110. 0 1889 44,700 fa240jhp hs7 19. 10MM sure but not 45 Colt. Most of the load data you read will be right at the correct load data with little variation. 0-31. at approx 875-900 fps depending on which factory was loading it and how long the barrel was. Dec 5, 2019 · My powders of choice are Clays, HP-38, HS-6, Universal, Trail Boss, H110, IMR 4227, W296, and W231. com/reloadingdata/45-colt/ Jul 28, 2009 · I won't give specifics, on +p 45 colt loads in open forum, but will tell you that aa5744,lilgun,h110,296 and 4198 powders have all prooven accurate in both handgun and rifle loads with bullets up to 340 grs. 454 250-255 grain bullet rather than using a . My chrony showed 1096 FPS out of my 4" barrel with the upper end loads. 0 Hodgdon H110 Winchester CCI 350 19. It is in Handloader 246 titled RCBS 45-270-SAA. Looking for powders capable of running the same bullet to 1050-1100. 3g 12,500 PSI (Max in . This is not a Ruger Only Load. 660 Load Lil'Gun 27. 5 grains of H110 in my 4 5/8" Blackhawk, the POI shifts 6 to 8 inches HIGHER than where it is for 250 grain standard pressure 45 Colt loads. 45 Colt levergun. I've got some . 0 Apr 2, 2023 · [QUOTE=Seeker;5558233]This is from Linebaughs loads. Apr 9, 2018 · For heavy 45Colt loads, Winchester 296 is the only powder you have listed that I would advise using. I load mostly Unique, and 2400 sticking to the 20,000 psi loads from that article with the 270 SAA bullet. The affordable components start with the Lee 300gr WFNGC slug loaded over 22gr of H110, sparked by a CCI 350 large pistol magnum primer and all loaded in Starline brass. 45 Colt loads using Winchester 296 so I got out my books and the best I can tell the powder range for a . If so I'd seriously suggest having them reamed out. Feb 8, 2009 · None of my sources list any loads for the 300gr. 1 974 23. 50 629 78 1. In my 5. WFNGC Jul 3, 2019 · If you can't find loads for 255 gr. Sep 14, 2024 · The SAAMI max pressure for regular 45 Colt loads is less than half of that of a modern magnum cartridge. 45 Colt - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Lee #11 Hodgdon H110. 0 2090 54,100 +fa240jhp h110 36. Space constraints keep me from looking at all of these powders in depth, but I can cover a few. Was kinda thinking about using heavy cast bullets like 300-350gr. Although I've used standard primers with 158 gr cast boolits with H110 in my 357 and never had problems. 45 Colt - Dissolving the Myth, Discovering the Legend One of the charts referencing 260gr lead says the data can be used with 250gr XTP's, 310gr lead specifically says the data can be used with 300gr Hornady XTP. 45 Colt, it's the blue gun in my avatar. I use Unique or Power Pistol under my 285gr SWC 45 Colt loads. 0 gr. 454 Casull or for use in T/C Contender & Encore, Freedom Arms, Ruger Blackhawk, and original model Ruger Vaquero firearms chambered in . 5 gr Red Dot ; 7. It handles all 2-1/2-inch, 1/2-oz. 5 barrel. I have dozens of loads for this cartridge, but will share my two most-used and favorite loads. 44 mag and . It gives me 1000fps and I consider it a Colt safe load. The Lasercast Load manual is a good one and I would recommend it for anyone that shoots their bullets. It shoots very good. Since it is a max load I weigh each one. 20. I imagine the load will have to be a gas checked bullet. Aug 15, 2013 · For heavier hunting loads in a carbine or rifle, look at H110, 296, 2400 and IMR-4227, and light or heavy load, I'd stay with a . I bought the HS-6, because his H110 loads looked pretty fierce! However, I wanted something with a little more poop than the run-of-the-mill loads for the old SAA guns. Power Pistol has a stiff jolt on firing that isnt like Unique at all even with both at around the same FPS. Shooting heavy bullets with heavy loads through undersized throats will jump the pressure up considerably. 45 Colt T/C & Ruger (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 78 loads. The problem is I already bought a 500 round box of 250gr Laser Cast RNFP bullets and the load data I was sent by Lasercast doesn't show anything more than cowboy loads. 45 Colt - Heavy Loads - Cast Performance 265gr. 450 4. 5gr (which I recommend as max even for the medium framed NM Vaquero) 18,396psi 1026fps 9. 454 Casull resizing die rather than a . 60 662 69 1. 45 Colt Manual" doesn't even show any Ruger loads with H110/W296!! (Guess they don't read John Linebaugh! Oct 2, 2013 · When you find the right load data for your particular bullet and H110, please note the reloading info. Thanks, Mar 9, 2021 · This load was in the lower “tier“ meaning 14,000 psi or less. The burn rate is pretty much the same as Hodgdon's H110, in fact, I usually see the load recipes listed side by side with the same minimum and maximum charge. The load I settled on is 21. For loading black powder 45 Colt loads, I use Goex as well as Pyrodex and Triple Seven. I want to try some W244, just haven't seen any on the local shelves yet. 45 Colt Revolver (using 250 GR Hornady Bullets) This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. JHP and H110 powder. This data cannot be used with Colt Nov 1, 2010 · The equivalent load in . 45 Colt cartridge is 14,000 psi. I will do everything with this load. 44 mag, and hot . Nor efficiency. 45 Colt but can't find much in the way of load data for them. Jun 4, 2008 · I don't own anything in . 0 Sep 2, 2001 · Daryl, N110 is an excellent choice for both the . This is a 300-gr. 45 bullets are fine for deer but if you want a more robust bullet for the 45 you might consider the Sierra 250 gr. 452" those bullets won't chamber. I was impressed with some store bought corbon plus p loadings at 1300 fps with a copper plated flat nosed bullet. 45 Colt: Match Solid: 300: VIEW: 07400140SP. Starline cases used throughout. Hodgdon's data for H110 and jacketed bullets in . Jun 22, 2013 · I had a specific task in mind I wanted to accomplish with my . Apr 2, 2018 · FWIW I've used Linebaugh's 45 Colt 'working loads' data with HS6 for several years now with perfect satisfaction. 45 colt. 0 Accurate No. this surplus stuff is a go to for 45 Colt 20,000psi loads as well as turned down Be very careful using the loads for Ruger and T/C (Thompson Contender) as these are maximum loads, even for these strong guns. 45 Colt Ruger Only) So 14,000 PSI with 7. Nov 28, 2011 · With my Rossi Trapper 45 colt 16 inch barrel and my Rossi Ranch Hand with the 12 inch barrel my most accurate easy shooting clean loads are with 7. H110 will work but I suggest a heavy crimp and magnum primer to prevent squib loads. Select other category options to refine your search. Dec 17, 2012 · Do not reduce H110 below the recommended starting load data, it could turn bad. 45 Colt in an attempt not to find load data for the projectile in question, of course, but to get an idea where to start Jan 4, 2018 · First, when putting together loads for hunting, always use either new or once-fired cases. The top loads are with Win 296(H-110) & the upper-mid loads are with Unique. Jan 9, 2013 · Allow me to preface any further comments by saying I have consulted my Hodgdon #26, Hornady 4th - 7th addns, Speer # 12 & 13, Lee Second Ed, Nosler #3, Lyman cast bullet handbook and my Loadbook Complete Manual for the . O. My Components; . Dec 13, 2012 · I need load data for the 45 Colt with the Cast Performance 265gr. He dives deep into 3 Tiers of 45 Colt loads. 450 5. I'll just put this here so I can't misplace it again. , Max 24. 0 1091 21. 45 Colt, being my favorite cartridge, is somewhat strange when it comes to load data; suitable load data is entirely dependent upon the firearm it is to be used in. Ruger Only loads for the 45 colt: Mar 16, 2015 · Colt single action revolvers, then he reduced that load to 20 grains of 2400. Disregard - I let my keyboard go off before my brain again. 45 Colt he further reduced his load to 18. cast bullet has been a standard for the 45 Colt since about the time Unique was introduced by Laflin & Rand in 1900. 0 Vel. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 09/15/2024: https://www. Thanks, Oct 19, 2006 · And looking at the data for 260g jacketed bullets we have for Titegroup: 6. Made in the USA. 2" Redhawk Bullet 240 Hornady XTP/ MAG OAL 1. 452 Lee) or the Hornady XTP hollowpoint. Aug 28, 2007 · Well, it's close to . Jan 8, 2021 · but with the hope i could reload my way to some dangerous game loads. Mar 16, 2013 · I started loading the 45 Colt heavy with 325 LBTs and H110 powder, back when the first Ruger Bisley's came out. hardcast using 10. 5" barrel It'd run in the 930's through 950's. 452 300gr Hornady XTP Mag using W296 is 17. 45 Colt speeds. 8gr of #9, 1281 fps @ 29,023 psi. 44 Mag. In my book my favorite cartridge, the . Oct 26, 2008 · In the Hodgdon manual 26th edition under Silhouette Loads under 45 colt with a 7" test barrel with 300 grain bullets it lists a max load of H110 as 23 grains for a vel. 5grains behind a 200 jsp for 1750fps in a pistol barrel. As others have noted, loads of this sort aren't really needed for mule deer or even elk. Hodgdon, the manufacturer of H110, recommends to NEVER reduce H110 load data more than 3%. That powder never did develope enough pressure to burn correctly. 0 1045 18. my guns can handle plus p loads. 5gr under a 255gr boolit gives roughly 900fps and is a little over the 14,000psi max for Colt single action, 10. 0gr Ease of extraction and positive feeding are not to be over looked, either. 0 grains of Lil'Gun using a 300 grain LFN bullet with the WLP primer gave 1,090fps and 19. 45 Colt loads but 1860, 1866 and 1873 replicas are for standard loads only! That is — black powder loads or Black powder level only. Jan 21, 2019 · I've got an OM Blackhawk that started life as a . This only a guess, and is not any sort of scientific answer. They are not as strong as the Ruger New Model Blackhawk. 22. Aug 19, 2011 · Based on little more than the absence of load data for older (originally black powder cartridges) I will venture the guess that H110 does not burn reliably at the kinds of pressures that guns chambered for the old black powder cartridges can stand. Some people have tried to load the . My Lee press kit came with a loading manual and my dad gave me his preferred load for plinking (6 grains of Trail Boss behind a 250gr boolit using large pistol magnum primers). Nov 13, 2019 · You're welcome. Its more recoil than I needed so didn't try it but its as follows. Not sure with 45 colt but I do know a few years ago I was looking at Alliants data and they had 2400 down about 3-4gr from the load I've always used in . Bad Idea! If you want those speeds and power, buy a . Jan 16, 2011 · I tried to load H-110 in 45 colt many years ago in a ruger BH. In M. I load Sep 18, 2013 · I have some upper end loads for my Redhawk & Blackhawk, both 45 Colt. Set your measure to throw a bit light and trickle the last bit in your scale. L. In order to handle hot loads I decided to use 454 casul brass which is a heavier design and uses small primers. (7. 0 1096 20. Sep 2, 2013 · DO NOT use this load data for any medium frame Ruger (New Vaquero, New Model flattop), Colt SAA, S&W, Colt clones! If your Ruger SA revolver has a two digit prefix in the serial number, it is safe with these loads. 0 gr IMR 4227 Oct 19, 2011 · If anyone with the Lee Loading manual would be so kind, Could you shoot me the load data for the Lee 300gr RF in 45 Colt. 5g HS-6 under 250-255g RNFP as a 'cowboy' load. 2gr of H110. , flat-nosed gas check bullet also working just fine in the . I've shot it and got 1346 fps to his 1364 fps. and 8 lb. 5" barrel). 0 1352 38,400 25. Have gone to lil gun in the mag caliburs when I want to use a ball powder but not 45 starting loadsmaximum recommended loads wt. Oct 21, 2016 · Out of a 5. Which manual did it come from? No, I have no experience with those loads in a . A Modern rifle should handle these loads equally as well, such as the Winchester Model 94. Jan 11, 2023 · Two sets of handloading data exist for the . 7 1084 23. 45 Colt die because it usually squeezes a case to a smaller diameter for maximum tension on a seated bullet. 44 45 JSP Weight (grains) 300 Ballistic Coefficient 0. I need to be able to use my 45 Colt loads in both my Winchester 94AE 16 inch barrel carbine and my Uberti Dalton 5 1/2" barrel SAA. I use H 110 or Win 296. 454" to . Over the years I've played with a lot of bullets and powder. 5 inch Blackhawk using H110 Starline cases and WLP with the data below and had very close velocities. I have not approached the top, top end but went into Mar 8, 2015 · Yes you can. Crank up the pressure to the same 35k and you're asking for trouble. 45 Colt is 14,000 PSI. Jul 5, 2009 · The loads I found to be accurate with Lil'Gun were: 45 Colt having a 6" barrel - 18. A "Ruger Only" 45 Colt is basically trying to turn 45 Colt into a magnum (and does the job quite well and safely, with the right components in the right firearm). Feb 27, 2013 · The lightest bullet that Hodgdon shows for h110 is 225 grains and it falls under the "Ruger Only" category. 8 gr FPS 1,468 Ft-Lb 1148 Retained bullet Weight 219. Using bullets from Hornady XTP-MAG, Hornady HP-XTP, Hornady XTP-MAG or HP-XTP. I haven't tried it with H110 . shootersreference. 45 Colt was changed from . 45 Colt you will find 12. For moderate loads, WST or W-231 is a good choice. The 45 Colt cartridge was originally loaded with black powder. Oh, never have used Titegroup in any Apr 8, 2018 · For full power magnum loads (ruger only +P 45 Colt loads included) I've always used W296/H110 but I won a case of 2400 at an auction recently and I've been wanting to use it. 26” ¦ Twist: 1-16” ¦ Primer: REM 2 ½ ¦ Bullet Diameter: 0. 270" explaining why my dimensions are different than both sets of load data. 452. 45 Colt data is shot to 30,000 psi and is intended for use in firearms chambered for the . Wt. 400 caliber, 140 grain Xtreme 45 GDHP Weight (grains) 250 Ballistic Coefficient 0. 480 caliber Rossi, it seems that the thicker metal of the . 45 Colt chamber in a Rossi should withstand similar chamber pressures. in muzzle wt. Lehigh Defense Load Data Library. They also note- DO NOT REDUCE. I have a Rossi M92 24" 45 Colt and get just under 1600fps with a 275 LFN and 4227. This load clocks at roughly 1,250fps from most guns, give or take, depending on barrel length and cylinder gap. 45 Colt Handgun (FTX Data) Warning! 140; use maximum loads with caution: Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. loads for the 3-inch version. Oct 2, 2017 · Ruger 45 Colt, 4. 45 Colt Vaquero, and the velocity I was after was less than published load data for H110. Looking for some hotter loads using my only mold (300gr . For this load, I referenced . 45 Colt) 8. 0 1815 41,400 fa240jhp h110 36. Browse a list of Lehigh bullets data for reloading. containers. 45 Colt. One chart has it slower than Blue Dot, yet a standard 45 Colt load with the Speer 260 JHP shows 13. 451", folks expect the . 45 case shot higher scores with the 292 grain bullet than loads using the Star-line . Velocities around 1400 fps are common in a Model 92 and there are some published loads in the 1700 fps range with a May 22, 2010 · hi guy, for awhile now i have slowly been adding to my collection,,i just got 2 molds, a rcbs 255 grain ,,and a lyman 325 grain gc,,,i got the dies, the powder, had dale put my name on miha list for his 45 long colt hollow point mold, ,i have some brass, i got the dies,, but still looking for that one 45 long colt gun. 45 Colt (Revolver) data that, “may Mar 14, 2020 · Yes, I looked it up (I have a printed copy of article in my . I wouldn’t compress, nor leave more than the thinnest air space, nor use H110 loads in a Colt Dec 20, 2013 · Well I got 2 of those Rossi 92's in 45 Colt. I like the fact that it down loads where W296/H110 does not. 45 *SAAMI pressure level for the . in my 454 but not my 45, The 240 xtp gives me the good accuracy in the 45, reg. cast loads w H110 Hi guys : I am looking for a good cast boolit load with H 110. 45 Colt, has it all. 5 grs of W296 under a 250 XTP. 40 1060 16,430 38 I purchased a Rossi 92 and a Ruger Blackhawk in . The only other firearms these loads may be safe in would be a Freedom Arms model 83 with a spare 45 Auto cylinder, and large framed original Ruger Dec 22, 2023 · Thanks and wow, 26. 45 Colts more than about any other. I've got plenty of 296, Lil Gun and titegroup powder. Since there is no SAAMI recognized +P designation for higher pressure . Actually, it gave me 1196 fps when I loaded it in 45 Colt cases, and 1211 fps when I loaded it in cut down 454 brass. I scoured the internet looking for load data for deer hunting loads for both guns. Select Filter by Cartridge or Powder to get started. This is what I load for big bear in the 45 Colt when I fish in Alaska. My load with that bullet is the max 2400 load as posted in the Hodgdons #26 manual. Jun 30, 2015 · yes there are loads for H-110 in rifle cartridges, I have tried some of them and they have shot okay. of Blue Dot @ 14 kcup, while Longshot is only shown in the Ruger Only section of Hodgdon's RDC with 12. Aug 2, 2021 · You need to interpolate from known data like 45 Colt 454 etc. Apr 3, 2017 · . I dont remember my load, but a 260 gr cast HP over the Blue Dot is AWESOME!! Jan 16, 2010 · If they are under . I can say that in . I have full confidence in Brian's loads too. 452 IMR4227 22g@1310fps Apr 14, 2010 · I don't have the load data in front of me, but HandgunHTR gave me some that shoot great. 454 Casull, but that cartridge uses 29. 454 2. It has a burn rate similar to H110, but doesn't have the low load density ignition problems that H110 does. 4484 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Winchester 296 Winchester CCI 350 19. I dont like Unique at all. 45. Mar 12, 2022 · 4227 is a great powder for the 45 Colt. 45 Colt (Barnes X-Pistol Bullets) Warning! Notes: Some of this data is approaching 30,000 psi and is ONLY safe in heavy-frame Ruger Blackhawks and other modern guns designed to handle loads with this level of pressure. There were no heavier loads listed with 231. ( don't have exact load at work with me ) . I shoot this in a redhawk and super redhawk . Unfortunately, my front sight is not tall enough to allow regulating for this POI shift, so I don't shoot those loads in that particular Blackhawk much anymore. Mar 2, 2022 · Use starting load data in the Hornady (mine's #8) 45 Colt - (revolver) data for the 250 gr. 454 WFN hardcast bullet cast by a local bulletmaker. 9 Winchester CCI 350 16. I only loaded up 3 rounds for each charge, so take from it what you will. What limited Nosler dope I have, from "The Complete . 45 Colt ammo capable of handgun hunting, not cowboy shooting. A trapper length and a Ranch Hand. most of its life would be spent just plinking with basic 45 colt. ly/2UEAkgWUR on Patreon: https://www. 451" somewhere around the end of WWII, IIRC. Jun 14, 2011 · For hi power Ruger only loads, look for Data using H110 or W296. N110 has a lower flame temperature, and seems to be a bit more uniform in it's pressure curve when working up loads, meaning that it is easier to predict both pressures and velocities while doing those work-ups. Seems that I've come up with huge variances in starting and max loads. You just have to look a bit more for loading data. com/ultimatereloaderUR T-Shirts: https://bit. I'd like to use H110. 45 Colt load data for H110, just nothing using a '73 winchester rifle. 175 COAL Tested 1. 7gr H-110. 0 grains of 296). The load is probably above standard saami 45 colt pressure but I decided to check it out in some big frame Ruger blackhawks as he suggests. Brian Pierce r Oct 23, 2020 · Unique *Of course, what 45 Colt load data would be without this powder?* 10. bullet and if you use the starting loads , or slightly above starting in the 600 - 700 fps velocity range COMPETITIVE SHOOTERS DATA Clean Shot-Hard Cast Lead Bullet Competition Data Caliber Case Projectile Min Charge Min Velocity Power Factor Load Length Max Charge (Grains) Max Velocity (FPS) Max Pressure AVG 38 Special R2LP 105gr Round Nose 2. Mar 23, 2008 · I was looking to load up to some stiff . Second, always use a . Most of the load data I find is for either H110 or 2400. Hodgdon’s load data for 44 mag, 240 gr. of 1. 8 grs. Warning! A Ruger New Model Blackhawk flattop (built on . 45 case with the same bullet and powder charge (19. 183 Sectional Density 0. 0gr warms it up a bit but it's still safe in older guns, 9. 45 Colt with a 5½-inch barrel was used to test all loads. I have yet to find a single document that better represents my experience in this matter, than Linebaugh's 'Dissolving the Myth' article. I've used Accurate #5 and Winchester W572 with decent results. 45's! Wherever H110/W296 is appropriate, so too is N110. A decent digital pic would suffice. of Unique and either the 250 or 255 gr. H110 is the only powder I use for . Feb 20, 2024 · Lookup Brian Pearce's 45 Colt article in Handloader #268. patreon. 45 Colt loads. Many in the forum have recommended this load for 44 mag rifles: 240 gr. So not as scary as at first you would think. 45 Colt ammo, most factory ammo is loaded to the SAAMI pressure specs of 14,000 psi, which is about May 8, 2017 · This load is extremely accurate in this rifle. Manufacturer: CPB LFN PB Powder: H110 Starting load (grs): 21. Aug 14, 2021 · I do not know the answer. Powders include Vihtavuori, Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester. Save Share Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/11/2025: https://www. There is loading data for Bullseye in the . 45 colt as my first attempt since they seem like a mild load but would like to load them a bit hotter after I get the process down. 5 inch barrel revolver. 44's and . 5gr. 199 Sectional Density 0. Mar 12, 2017 · Check out Linebaugh loads here and BE CAREFULL Linebaugh's Custom Sixguns - The . 3gr % Retained: 91% Expansion Diameter: 0. im leaning towards the ruger blackhawk bisley 45 long cot 5. Gun: Ruger New Model (Bisley) Blackhawk; barrel Jan 4, 2023 · So far my 45 Colt riffle load is a 250 GR, HDY, XTP over 9. 1109 with 24,400 cup. 45 Colt work-up. May 9, 2013 · My Rossi in 45 Colt likes Lil'Gun, IMR4227, and R7. 211 COAL Tested 1. 45 Colt only runs about 28k pressure because the . I ruined a good 3rd generation Colt SAA . 0 1421 33,800 34. but i want to be able to carry this thing in grizzly territory, and Nov 1, 2018 · The . In reviewing past loads shot in matches, it appears that loads using the WW . I call this my “Budget Buster” load for obvious reasons. 5 grains of either H110 or WW296 for just under 1,200 fps in the 71/2″ Ruger Blackhawk. 7 maximum providing an approximate velocity of 1050 to 1300fps respectively. bullet will be safe for the 230 gr. 45 COLT - 30,000 PSI - HIGH PRESSURE LOADS Barrel: 7. This has penetrated a 300 lb hog front to back several times in hunting. Most 300 grain bullets have a longer bearing surface than 250 grain so accordingly. Hodgdon H4227. Unique actually -IS- the go to powder for 45 Colt, just not heavy boolits and 30,000psi loads. 45 Colt will automatically shoot those, too. of Unique and they work very well. Should 10. Oct 24, 2015 · I was thinking about getting a Rossi 45 Colt rifle just so I can also shoot RO level 45 Colt loads. 296, 2400, H110, AA #9 and LilGun are all good powders for 'hot' stuff in both the . 45 Colt to levels of the . Over the past 35 years all four of these leverguns have shot extensively with both jacketed and cast bullets. 172” Aug 26, 2013 · Some years back, Mike V, the sage of Montana wrote of a load passed on to him by Hank Williams Jr. 7 gr. Dec 9, 2008 · I have loaded Hornady's XTP on top of H110 for whitetail hunting in Georgia but because of the many variables with the 45 colt would not want to share my data. 45 Colt continued to be used by outdoorsmen and law enforcement officers over the decades. gr. I've tried going to a 300 grain bullet, but 200 meter hits became iffy. But it's fine for deer hunting. 0 Hodgdon H110 Winchester CCI 350 18. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. 2. 5 Dec 17, 2024 · Silhouette shooters claim it is the most accurate 44 powder they have ever used. 0gr 16,593psi 986fps 100% Jul 20, 2011 · Yes, you can use current W296 data with H110. 250 gr RNFP; Fed 150; 6. 45 Colt Revolver (using 250 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 51 loads. 640" Speer Part No. 357 frame) chambered in . SAMMI for . 8 grains of HP-38/231 is another great load. 45 Colt guru John Linebaugh's starting load of 25. it's the one thing they/we all advise against. I shoot only lead in mine and all my loads are what I call mid-range. 0 1889 44,700 39. 275” ACCURATE NITRO 100 NF Full Story: https://bit. 5 grains of 2400 and the same bullet for 1150 ft/sec. 45 Colt, but Accurate lists data for 14,000 PSI and 30000 PSI don't see the 250g XTP in their data. Its also a handful. 5 gr. XTP to max powder charge as listed in the Ruger section of the Hornady reloading manual. Marlin and Winchester 1894s will both handle heavier-than-standard . I have found only a few loads listed for any 300gr cast bullets and figured this might be the best place to ask. I don't really aspire to load 45 colt to 45-70 levels but i do want to load 45 colt to the point i could use it as an alaskan brush gun. Most of the burn rate charts list it much slower than its charge weights would indicate. Nov 4, 2022 · Hey guys, I'm looking into making up some hunting loads for my 1892 45 Colt. 5 1042 20. I don't think you will find a load using h110 that would be considered as a plinking load. The only load I have used h110 for is 22 grains and a Sierra 300 grain jacketed bullet sized to . 44 Magnum. I've WORKED-UP Ruger/TC-Only loads for my . 5-inch barrel. If I recall, you bought a Ruger 45 Colt not long agoI use H110 in my Ruger 45 Colt with 300-grain bullets to good effect. 18. 4485 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Winchester 296 Winchester CCI 350 20. I would NEVER use a slow powder, H-110, 296, Lil'Gun for medium loads. One load consists of bullets dropped from a LEE 6-cavity mold, a 255-grain radiused flat-nose design, and the other, from a 70’s vintage Lyman 454424 4-cavity mold. 45 colt lenghts. grains velocity c. 0gr Unique is a mild starting load which is close to the original smokeless powder loads, 9. Do not use this load in any Colt Single Action Army or any clone of it. H-110 is accurate if loaded hot but the kick is not for the faint hearted and in cold weather can be finicky sometimes. 0gr is well below that, but it is H110 we're talking about, and this powder has a narrow window of safety on the pressure curve! Aug 2, 2009 · I've been searching for pet loads using the Hornady 300gr XTP in 45 Colt. It handles all 2-1/2-inch, ½-oz. 5 grains of 2400 behind a 300 grain bullet is no standard load, probable approaching about 24,000 cup. that was accurate, produced good velocity, but moderate pressure in the 45 Colt cartridge. 5 May 31, 2012 · So I don't automatically rush into my Reloading Room and cook up everything that somebodyelse says works really great for themselves. The gun started life as a 44 Mag Super Redhawk, and was changed to 45 Colt via Bowen's 5-shot cylinder, reboring the barrel, etc. 45 Colt Ruger loads with 250 grains XTP-HP #45200. 2g H110 and a WLP as a maximum load with a 255 SWC for 932 fps and calls that Ruger Only. Not sure that I want/can use the same load data for the XTP's. But one day while fooling around with H110 I loaded both 44 Mag and 45 Colt using Hornady 300 grain JSP's and 24 grains of powder and the 45 Colt load was going 130 FPS faster than the same load in the 44 Mag. ly/3sKrugOUR on RUMBLE: https://rumble. With the current run on supplies I took a look at load data for powders and bullets I currently have. They run right at 900 fps from 4-6" bbls. Will be using a cast 300 grain RFN with GC and would like safe loads in the 1200-1600 fps range. Speer’s latest Deep Curl Hollow Point bullets (below) along with H110 and IMR 4227 all result in excellent easy shooting loads in the Marlin . Nov 7, 2017 · I concur with Carpe Diem, concerning using something BESIDES H110/W296 for . The Hornady data sounds a bit conservative. u. I still left a little daylight from the top charges. Jan 28, 2013 · 9 grains of Unique under the 250 XTP is an excellent and time tested load. Barnes’ . Compare to published load data of similar bullets, before you commit to a load and drop the hammer on a primer Do not use these loads or attempt to load the 45 Auto in the manner that I described with any other firearm chambered for the 45 Auto. . 45 Colt, but I do have a lot with loads for a . A charge of 16. So you can run mild loads with it, or run it up a little more for heavy Ruger level loads if you want to. com/ Nov 5, 2023 · At the end of John Linebaughs Dissolving the Myth 45 Colt article, he lists a favored load of 8gr W231 with a 260gr cast bullet running 900 fps. 45 Auto bullets are also . In addition, H110 is the choice for 410-bore shotgun, especially among top competitive skeet and sporting clays shooters. I do think the key to loading H110 is to use magnum primers. Dec 28, 2020 · From the moment I started to deep seat 58 years ago, ACCURACY was never in doubt. 45 Colt (5. The problem is that because . Load produced ~1950 ft lbs of energy. I want to develop some hot loads for black powder cast bullet loads and also a 250/300 grain jacketed load for pig hunting. May 7, 2022 · In addition, H110 is "the" choice for 410-bore shotgun, especially among top competitive skeet and sporting clays shooters. Thinking HS 6 may get me there but don't have exact load data for a 300 gr bullet. May 7, 2011 · My favorite hunting load is a buffalo bore round 45 colt plus p 335 grain swc at over 1300 fps from a 71/2 inch Blackhawk. If that matches reality then in a carbine that load would be pushing over 1900fps. I've had better results with H110 when getting on the higher end, but I don't put a . Feb 11, 2014 · The new official load data is loaded up to 30,000k psi to compete with hodgdon's data using H110/Win296. 452 diameter for Colt . When modern solid head cases appeared for the . May 31, 2008 · The data at the Hodgdon website says they use Winchester WLP primers which is for both magnum and standard loads. freedom arms tm fa240jhp h4227 29. Mike gave me the data a while back but I've moved since then and can't find it. Feb 26, 2007 · I like 2400,4227, and vitt N-110 for heavy 45 colt. HP-XTP #45200 the load data for the 250 gr. 5 Alliant 2400 Winchester CCI 350 16. 45 Colt in the 1970’s and followed up with the Redhawk double action revolver. Aug 28, 2007 · Dug out my shootin' journal and FWIW, I got 1346 av vel using 25. this is what he/you would be doing with the 45-70. 45 is about 5% larger in diameter. Jan 3, 2011 · I load the 300 gr. That was until I shot a friend's Rossi with some stout 45 Colt loads. I loaded up 200x Hornady FTX 200gr bullets at 49. 452 230 gr RN, 200 gr SWC, etc. • Always begin loading at the minimum “Start Load” • Increase in 2% increments towards the Maximum Load • Watch for signs of excessive pressure • Never exceed the Maximum Load GENERAL GUIDELINES: 17 HORNET Barrel: 24” ¦ Twist: 1-10” ¦ Primer: WIN WSR ¦ Bullet Diameter: 0. 600" Speer Part No. I've also loaded and shot a bunch of the 8 grains of Unique and 16 grains of 2400 in it from the first table. LEE 255g LFN 25g of Lilgun @1590fs-pistol or rifle load 23g IMR4227 @1470fps-pistol or rifle load I cant find m r7 load now but its almost 1700fps and works great in the rifle but leaves lots of unburnt powder in the pistols LEE 340g RFN sized to . 5 1109 24,400 H-110 23. The only info I can find are for Speer FP's. Hope this helps. 0 1052 18. Brian H110 works fine at the starting load and doesn't kill on the recoil end. 357, . Remember that the original BP load was a 250 gr. 5" gun it runs about 1250-75. Warning! This data is free from Accurate, download it and check all data before using it. Dec 15, 2008 · I have a Bowning 185 low wall in . I trimed the brass to . Probably the most common powders for 45 colt would be Alliant Unique, or 2400 for "normal" loads 296/H110 for max or near max loads. XTP bullets . Oct 14, 2010 · The load he gave you is plenty safe in a large frame Blackhawk. 45 or . 73"-----Note: My Starline Brass came as just under 1. bullet in . 16gr to 18. Powders on hand are 2400, power pistol, Blue dot, H110. 9 minimum to 21. I use those loads in all my . 4481 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Winchester 296 Winchester CCI 350 19. Kinda in between. Sep 24, 2016 · Trying to get started in reloading and casting boolits for my . p and 25. loads, as well as all 11/16-oz. The . It will, however, leave a ram or two standing after a hit. Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant, Winchester, Vihtavuori Oct 14, 2014 · Here is the load data for anyone else that is interested: That load data you have requested is as follows: IMR4227, starts at 20. Jan 19, 2013 · A friend needs some . Sep 7, 2024 · For the 44mag, in a Ruger, with H110, a good top load not to exceed might be fill the case to the bottom of the bullet(100% load density)(length of bullet and seating depth are variables) Use a mag primer and a heavy crimp. 5 1746 50,100 Oct 30, 2022 · Revolvers in . I'm deep into True Blue these days for the 45 Colt. This is copy/paste so there are no typeOs 310 cast H-110 21. Some of the loads are quieter, which is huge with animals nearby. being max at 30 kcup, clearly a much faster burn rate. 595” crimped in the cannelure. 0g 21,900 PSI (Min in . D Smith's reloading Pages we find 10. I'd rather find a recipe for this particular pill. Nov 23, 2014 · That's not super accurate. Ruger started building the very strong Blackhawk in . I can't grow my brass. I found a few for . Aug 30, 2023 · Loading for Colt and Colt clones, I'm always on the lookout for higher load density, low pressure, efficient burning powders that keep me in the 700 to 800 fps range. 454 and has given exceptional accuracy out to 700 yards. Feb 7, 2017 · I totally understand and agree with the principle of starting a load well below max and gradually working up to max, watching for signs of overpressure. The H110 loads aren’t for the squeamish at heart but your RedHawk won’t bat an eye at them Aug 2, 2011 · I load my Raging Judge colt 45 loads with: 250gr Hornady x. com/reloadingdata/45-colt/ Sep 27, 2011 · Easiest way for you right now would be to go to the online website of whatever powders you intend on using for your loads. 452 with gas check. of 1330 fps with 30,000 cup. Appreciate any help Apr 20, 2008 · H110 is not for reduced loads, so from statements like this one above I just see it as being an incompatible mix of components. ) We continue to prioritize our shipments to our traditional sales channels to maximize powder availability at retailers. 45/. I use 12 gr of HS-6 in my New Vaquero with a 270gr. 45 ACP bullet like the . I tried the load and found it to do everything said about it. John uses a variety of jacketed bullets (above) from Hornady, Sierra and Speer for loads in the Marlin . t. Try any of the load data for Blue Dot. All the usual warnings apply to these loads my guns etc etc. 2 grains @ 1300 fps; with a C. Mar 28, 2013 · I've loaded the Sierra 240 JHC for my 5. I do have experience with . Both of which are non existent in any LGS. 45 Colt loads using lighter Nov 20, 2009 · I load 22 grains WW296/H110 for about 1200 fps. Apr 26, 2012 · Going to 300 grain bullets and 22. H110/W296 for that bullet. A light weight, thin butt stocked levergun shooting stout 45 255grn Colt loads is a handful. 357 the H110 loads I use in my long barrels aren't worth a darn in my snubbie. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. 45 Colt Red Hawk and, unless the shooter simply MUST have the very LAST micro-joule of ballistic performance from his reloads, I generally recommend the use of Alliant 2400 over H110/W296. I use this data in my Ruger NM Blackhawk and my Henry Steel . Have loaded plenty of 250-315. 5 grs of H110/W296 with pressure at 24,800. The pressure limit for 454 Casull is 65,000 PSI. I settled on Hodgdon Lil' Gun powder as my powder of choice and a . Aug 14, 2017 · Your load seems light to me. in muzzle bullet powder grains velocity c. error for all 3 shots. I would recommend (and it is just a recomendation) to stay away from H-110 in the 45 colt. 357 mag and still do and the new powder performs just like the old did. 165 Sectional Density 0. 1 gr Power Pistol; 21. 5 grain for a vel. 452” Case: REM ¦ Max Case Length: 1. 0 grains of Lil'Gun behind a 260 grain LFN bullet with the WLP primer zipped along at 1,143fps. Feb 12, 2011 · I'm starting to load 45 colt. Nice even push and clean. We'll, you can make it do that with Trail Boss powder for CAS loads. 454 though anything with less than a 7. 3. This data should not be used in Colt Single Action Army revolvers, Great Western Arms Frontier, Great Western II, Pietta SAA pattern revolvers, or any gun originally designed for black powder. I have used 300 plus grain bullets regularly in my 4 colt blackhawk. The standard and Ruger Only both please. 5" barrel. 45 Colt up to 27,000. 590" Speer Part No. Jun 19, 2011 · On full loads, in my experience it often depends on the powder used. The starting load is 21. Bullet Weight (Grs. this is a 45/70 which is a big long 45 colt. The inherent strength of these revolvers allow handloaders to explore more powerful . N-110 is cleaner but more difficult to get. 480 caliber has a max listed pressure of 48,000 and Hodgdon lists Ruger level loads for the . I've got a 45 Colt that is a Bowen conversion. But there are several that will work well. soft point, it hit's hard and my 94 loves it but it shoots my 240 hp cast the best. 0g HS-6 as a Tier 1 load for 255g SWC. H110 is good too. Jun 22, 2013 · To download H110, you venture into that Tier 2 pressure range where there is not very much load data at all, regardless of boolit weight and powder, and Tier 2 pressure levels are plenty doable, just with powder other than H110. 9 GR of ACC #5 at 14,000 CUP. 5g behind a lead 270g bullet seems 'reasonable' to me. All of their 250 RNFP load data is standard velocity/Cowboy Loads and they do not list H110. These are with Cast Performance 265 grn gas checked bullets. Loading H110 (H110 is Winchester 296) to base of bullet works well in . 45 Colt binder). 0 1118 21. Apr 19, 2021 · This is the hunting load I developed for my Freedom Arms 97 45 Colt. 10 1208 16,469 38 Special R2LP 125gr Round Nose 2. May 2, 2010 · Based on the various recommended loads I've collected from various websites, including Taffin and Linebaugh's, does this look right for a 325 grain cast bullet??? 45 Colt (Ruger, Freedom Arms & T/C only) Bullet Weight: 325 GR. . 5 Alliant 2400 Winchester CCI 300 15. 30 Carbine and was rebuilt into a tight . Having a . User Loading Data. Lyman shows 9 for the Colt and 8 for Rugers and they aren't scratching the surface. I picked up the 300 gr . 0 Hodgdon H110 Winchester CCI 350 21. Thanks. I only use 2400 for magnums and the loads are compressed or right at it. _____ 45 JHP Weight (grains) 260 Ballistic Coefficient 0. 45 colt with this load, it ain't for Colts. 1 grains behind a 240 jacketed for 1541fps. 183 COAL Tested 1. Oct 7, 2010 · I'm going to start reloading . Usually run my Bisely with H110 under a 300 gr BTB. i Jun 7, 2020 · I shoot the 240 mag. They are great at close range but they do have a kick. Jul 3, 2007 · 45 colt 300gr. p. Jan 24, 2022 · Longshot is an interesting powder. 285” ¦ Trim Length: 1. 45 Ruger revolvers seems generous compared to what I used to use in . It was 20/4227 over just about any 240 to 280 grain cast bullet. Available in 1 lb. Jun 14, 2009 · I picked up a couple of hundred cast bullets for the Redhawk . H110 is not suppose to be loaded 'down'. I have all the H100 load data I need and thats fine, but I really like the idea of using 2400 as well. 255gr LSWC over 8. I had purchased a 1lb container of it a number of years ago but have never gotten around to using it. Without having chronographed the load from my 24-inch barreled Rossi 92, I expect it to emulate the same as a factory 454 Casull 300-grain from 7. Apr 30, 2011 · While on vacation I picked up couple boxes of Hornady 250 gr. Lower extreme spreads and consistant performance. Not may favorite 45 Colt powder. JHP bullet, H110 is: Starting 23. 5 1316 32,000 Linebaughs Personal loads H-110 24 310/320 cast 1250 fps big game/ dangerous game. In Taffin Tests . Hercules 2400 put it right in the ball park with no issues. 2 grains @ 1150 fps to a max. I will say that I have used a Speer manual for years and carefully check my loads for excessive pressures. 5" bbl) a couple months ago. Aug 28, 2007 · The OT Manual recommends 19. 45 Colt load has been used in the Freedom Arms 43/4″ Model 83 chambered in . I use win Win LP primers for standard or magnum loads or mag primers . A Ruger New Model Blackhawk Bisley with 7 1/2-inch barrel used to test-fire loads. For any noobies out there, using H110 in 45 Colt is only for heavy framed Ruger (or similar built revolvers like Freedom Oct 14, 2012 · One for a standard 45 Colt with lower pressure and the Ruger/TC load data at a much higher pressure. (ft/s): 1109 Pressure: 18,100 CUP Apr 26, 2014 · Just an FYI for those of you considering heavy 45 Colt loads: Be sure to use a very hard crimp into the crimp groove (cannelure) of the bullet. 0gr (which I do not recommend and do not personally load in any 45 Colt applications, just showing it here for reference) 20,304psi 1065fps 9. When using the 24 gr load of H-110, don't rely on setting your measure and throwing them. load of 24. 5 grains of 2400 is another good general purpose load, and is safe in a S&W as well as the Rugers. This same . now take your 45 colt and put 16-17grs of H-110 in there. 2 gr Green Dot; 11. I want to load these for Heavy Colt use in my Alaskan . 454" bullets are for older guns made to the older spec. 44 Mag with a 300 grain bullet using the same powders and WLP primers. Hard to clean up. KT, SWC, you need more loading manuals. 45 Colt, due to the myriad guns chambered for the cartridge during the last 150 years. fnaok ysfg ttmf tanue egxbom fdoaa kils emc deeucy ycioirk