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Off meta top picks. you can pretty much play everything top.

Off meta top picks 1%, she manages to maintain an impressive win rate of between 48. Image via League of Legends. to/3bU0Uwt(AD) Thanks so much to Alienware for supporting off meta content!This video condenses my 100+ What are some decent off-meta picks for top lane? Getting a bit bored of the meta and want to try out more champs. Looking forward to hearing your duos! It's the best feeling ever and that's why I would like to find more interesting looking picks to continue playing with my off-meta playstyle. Full AP Ali Mid. Enchanter Kayle(buy a tear on first back, sell it late game) with aery/guardian on different matchups. It makes getting prio and/or winning lane so much easier at least for me. You can easily stack his q Yorick can clear quite fast if you use his little *****, they can pretty much solo a camp and you do the other one aswell馃槀 Aatrox works, but i think there are better picks Darius works quite good Singed is even meta in jungle now I think And even trynda and garen can be kinda viable now The only off-meta jg I’ll even entertain is Cho’Gath in this current meta. You can add any defensive item you want like guardian angel or edge of night(if you need it). Rumble support is a pick ive been playing recently with good results. Topmains and everything they have to talk about. Decent picks, may have some bad mus. 1. 1. you can pretty much play everything top. And ever since the early days, Teemo has been present in the bot lane with one build or another. Jhin top isn't good but what people forget is that someone consistently playing an off-meta pick at your elo is a GOOD thing. Kayn and fiddle are also kinda broken. Not really off meta but AP shyvana is absurd, so is kindred with repeated dashes and a ton of attack speed with LT. Alistar shits on jax and a few other top layers. Contrary to popular belief, the Meta is pretty malleable and can easily change, so it’s good to experiment. He can summon turrets, deal burst damage, and stun multiple enemies at once. gg/happychimenoises (AD)This video is a huge tierlist of ALL the off-Meta picks in League Today, I'll share my top 10 off meta toplaners with you guys. Whole youtube channel is about off meta/troll builds that reach challenger/master elo. Could easily be in the tier above. Meta isn't something simple, since for example poppy would seem like a top tier midlane pick. While her pick rate is only 0. 21 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Less off meta is Sejuani, she's real fun to play and once you have Cinder item and Fimbulwinter you're a menace. Feb 16, 2022 路 Playing the same Meta Champs over and over can get mundane very quickly. Rengar. I just tired of playing playing Champions like Amumu or Hecarim, wich everybody plays just becouse they are Meta. try poppy anivia as a poppy supp 1. Also read: Best Gaming Mouses Under $100. The barrage of Briar nerfs has definitely decreased the rate that I pick her, but she still has a ton of matchups that I think are fun to play, and she definitely still Its my specialty . Ziggs my forever favorite off-meta pick! Artillery Mages like Lux, Vel'koz and Xerath are meta supports so I always thought Ziggs could also excel in being one. The shit street is a two lane road. Tahm Kench, Cho, Rumble and Zilean come to mind. I considered trying Olaf out, but his mana problems worry me. Some of them are super overpowered and some other champions are literally troll picks. Not super off meta but definitely not high prio for anyone either, Rumble. Why are off-meta picks so rare in ML, and why are so many so dogmatic to the meta state of the game? In other MOBAs like LoL & DotA, seeing an off-meta pick can be surprising, but generally works as an alternative compared to what is considered to be, “Most Effective Tactic Available”. Survive a level 3 invade from all the meta junglers that will out clear and out duel you? Nobody, as that would probably bring them at least into the fringes of the meta. Nasus works well in low elo. My favorite Off-Meta picks are: Rumble (AP) Singed (AP Bruiser/Tank) Urgot (AD Bruiser -> core item: Tiamat) Brand ( Full Ap) a game a day is the minimum in masters+ yes. Final Thoughts. When built right, it's a superb all-rounder (just be sure to tap fire for your longer ranged fights). tanks, mages, marksman, bruiser, teemo. Buy knights vow and locket, W the adc over and over, you have 6 wards to play with at all times and you are more tanky than a normal Lee BEFORE ever casting a W (which shields you and the target). There is a reason to pick these over a meta midlaner. The key to Zoe’s support success lies in the item Imperial Mandate. As for the build I just mentioned you can grab these items in whichever order you need it. There's just some things that should not be played at certain positions. g. E max is for laning as you remove the opponents chance to interact and in lane trade DPS for burst. 2. May 31, 2024 路 The 7 Best Off-Meta Junglers in LoL. 3 and it was very well received by the community. Vayne. Throw off your enemies with an off-meta pick that can carry your game, or just give yourself a fun challenge with these five uncommon champ builds in League of Legends. both can also hold lane solo while the other goes to get some jungle farm or gank mid. Braum is fun with bork. Im sure theres a mobafire guide for them though. And smite nunu support (although your technically not in lane, your helping your jg clear and gank, and taking enemy monsters, and it also works higher up). Aug 13, 2021 路 Today, we’ll be taking a look at the overall best off-meta ADC in LoL, as well as some runner-ups. we can pretty much see everything top. The amount of poke you do is insane So there you have it – the top 10 best off-meta support champions in LoL. Currently only lost 1 game as it when I hadnt quite figured out how I wanted to play it yet. He goes Swain, Leona, Taric, I think a few other weird ones. Most other “off-meta junglers” flop pretty hard unless they’re given just the right circumstances to succeed. Both are off meta but one of them have a history of being a jungler, and OP is very clearly asking for champions that don't have a history of being common junglers. A Patch 12. Mar 10, 2021 路 This makes him one of the best off-meta picks in League of Legends Season 11. Feel free to share some of your favorite off meta picks as well!Check out my Vi Toplane Guide:ht The current standard of fighter/tank top, mage mid, one jungler, and adc & support was solidified around end of season 1. Gwen Off meta picks? To start I play some panth, zed, and wukong in mid but recently I’ve been learning irelia and ekko, a few games ago tho I saw someone play kayn mid and it got me thinking about if he can be an off meta pocket pick and also about what other off meta mid laners other people have seen or enjoy playing He's either trolling or picking something crazy off meta. Personal favorites are Rengar, Hecarim, AD Neeko, attack speed ahri, bruiser blitzcrank, BARD, Graves, and shaco. With these rising back up in popularity, Kog’Maw can be a great counter worth playing. OP in soloQ. Anyway, there are 2 ways that off-meta Pokemon can be used effectively. He is currently Yes, but there is a difference in Elise which is off meta compared to something like Riven that is non traditional. So far i've tried Rengar (got destroyed by a tryndamere but will keep trying as a few good guides/streamers out there) Heimer (fun AP cheese perma pushing) Tahm Kench (suprising amount of damage) Akali (enjoyed this) Jun 14, 2024 路 League players find immense joy in playing off-meta champs for fun over traditional picks. . once 6 sion ult plus olaf ult equals dead Carrys. Jan 7, 2022 路 A League of Legends Tier List created by Silvyy: Off-Meta Support Top Lane Picks (For Fun). 13. Especially with enchanters getting pushed out of the meta a bit. For me i do a skarnic build; where i go skarner jg take the MS pet, and build items like tryn force, deadmans plate, and whatever other items that can max my movespeed, and if i run up, land my E, Q, then ult i proc phase rush, use my 1K movespeed to drag whatever poor goober practicly off the map, then slam them with an auto to stun them again, and proc deadmans. Featured Guides; Can compete with meta Tier 4. the navori damage increase affects yis e true damage, and the cooldown refund gives him 100% uptime on his e as long as he is attacking. She also makes other top laners that play against you want to fucking jump off a cliff so that's always a plus. Senna top. Share your videos with friends, family, and the world My favorite off meta picks are Ashe and Miss Fortune: Both with Comet Ashe: you max W first, go Imperial mandate (But build kindled gem first and dont but AP until the end so you dont switch you AD/AP in runes) + CDR boots, then go AD items MF: go full AP and max E first, you go liandry first item. One of my favorite off-meta picks is Rakan mid lane. Oct 5, 2022 路 Learn from Doublelift, Sneaky, CoreJJ with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9. They pick so off-meta bs ? Fine, I go off meta Mundo. i just went into a game and had a mf support and akali adc so when mf died to her like 5 times i couldnt do anything and my team was also feeding everyone else on the map. The skill path is still the same. Facing the same mage matchups repeatedly can become stale. Runes and build items for Mid-Viego, Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Bloodline, Coup de Grace, Taste of Blood Of course for both picks - especially twisted fate - there are certain, unfortunately meta, counters that will just shut you down and it won't be a skill diff. Teemo. Both work mid just fine and both are niche but very good supports. Brand. Mar 2, 2024 路 Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports. People don't like off meta picks because most of the time they don't work, I'm not saying they never work but I'm just saying that most of the time if that person played meta he would perfrom better, although some off meta picks become meta when high elo players realize their potential so it's certainly something to think about. Jan 25, 2024 路 Thanks to the changes made to the map (obviously I'm talking about the Top lane itself) it's way easier to blind pick this champion, not to mention she does well against the current meta Top laners. Rell. All I do is go check my Winrate, which at its peak was 63% now 57%, and that usually ends the questioning. The champions you see on this list can all be powerful mid lane pocket-picks if you know how to play them. We hope this list helps you find the off-meta support champion you've been looking for. Most of the top-picked Junglers heavily prioritize ganking and early kills, leaving other Jungle Champions in a pretty weird place. R and W are great DPS options. Crypto Posted by u/Cool-Top-9417 - 79 votes and 156 comments Jul 29, 2023 路 Kog’Maw mid lane used to be a viable pick, especially when scaling control mages were considered meta. You'll occasionally get to use your off-meta darlings while your powerful meta picks do the heavy lifting and supporting. You have two main ways of playing Teemo in the bot lane. Then after first item he gets sup item then goes around setting up kills for his team. Written by Natalia Makarski Oct 10, 2024 路 Ashe top provides perma slows and shreds with BotRK against melee Tops, denying farm. AP bard top, and Teemo support isn't bannable especially if you're still playing to win. Hel jungle isnt off meta. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I will be documenting the run. PD. i think there will be some nuts navori builds that pop up. Since many players like to stick to the meta rather than find creative ways theirself, I wonder what are some off meta picks, their runes, build, playstyle that makes them playable enough to be considered not troll. Rules are simple 5 games with an off metta start and then I can no longer use that same strat. Sejuani. The most off meta jungle picks that actually work? Depends on your definition of "actually work". Top laner with too many dashes are also a problem because they can easily avoid your most important spell (Fiora is obviously hell, also Wukong). Varus and twitch are 2 I hope this video will give you the fun off-meta picks you were looking for. For your information, I am already subscribed to HappyChimeNoises, but it's not always a video about a toplaner. But in low elo that doesn't matter too much. Oct 29, 2021 路 Ready to shake things up? Have some fun and surprise your enemies by choosing the best off-meta top laners in LoL! This guide showcases the top champions. 4. More LoL Galleries: Best Zed Skins; Most Played Champions; Top 5 Healing Champions May 30, 2024 路 Poro here with the first of 4 videos in my new series where I go through the roles highlighting some of my favorite off-meta picks! You all voted for top-lan Sep 16, 2023 路 Comparable to weak meta midlaners Tier 2. Before then, the meta was all over the place like seeing adc in mid/top. Actually works out half the time. Mar 2, 2024 路 Top 15 Best Off-Meta Supports in League of Legends (Exotic Picks) 15. Jun 3, 2022 路 Off-meta Attack Damage (AD) Ahri. Drutut plays Kaisa and nilah top a lot. Farming fighters like Nasus paired with support bot, having no support with a dedicated "roamer" that just ganked endlessly like Alistar. He works because he’s both anti-tank and anti-assassin, and scales infinitely. Downside to this pick is that your ganks kinda suck and you need an early lead to snowball, but considering how strong zed is right now you might be able to just farm and scale. A real niche pick? Sivir, Kog or Master yi top. Those were the top 15 best off-meta mid laners in League of Legends 2023! I’m so glad that the game is in such a state where new and fun builds can always be discovered. bruiser nidalee. Off meta supports becomes handy to counterpick certain champion or to make a synergy Poppy - to counter champions witch dashes (best with anivia) Nasus - to counter kalista or Yasuo ADC. e. Matchup Discussion where mains of both champs can talk about how they feel the matchup works. Though he may not have reliable CC like the rest, his zone control and displacement capabilities surely is handy for disengage and reposition Mar 22, 2020 路 Using this method, we can determine that carry junglers (Lee Sin, Evelynn, etc. 6. If your support player likes to play fasting Senna, then that opens up a bunch of champions in bot that are good to take and farm with. In time, many of the best off-meta picks in LoL become the norm. I personally play olaf and my buddy goes sion double relic. I spent a while in the practice tool messing around with various champs, seems like master yi may be able to go navori instead of rageblade. A Patch 10. Jul 9, 2021 路 Sion is easily one of the best off-meta supports in LoL because of how versatile he is in comparison to the others. Personally I like to go Mundo adc. (Crit) Xin Mid demolishes Assassins. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Me and my friend are queueing fill and picking for fun off meta duo picks, we usually are filled bot or top/sup and picking stuff like Orianna Malphite duo picks. 99/Month. Mar 2, 2024 路 Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta ADCs. Happychimenoises has made a lot of videos about off meta picks like sion invade smite support, pyke mid, yuumi top, etc that reach high elo. 24 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. Ahri went from being completely neglected to a priority pick in League of Legends after her mini-rework. Vi's always been a fun off meta pick for me as a laner. That extra income really helps her wreck people and stay alive, and with AS she's a pretty good duelist! Trinity against bruisers and Sunderer against tanks. And at least PowerOfEvil's Nashor's Tooth Orianna build might be considered off-meta under this definition, even though Orianna mid lane is a meta pick. A League of Legends Tier List created by paokgr: [10. I'm thinking soraka into tf or ammumu into teemo. HOWEVER, **Cassiopeia ** is VERY mechanically intensive so if you don't have the skills to back you up this champion is not strong at all. Jun 13, 2022 路 League doesn't offer a lot of variety, so you will need to create it yourself. The current Jungle meta is a pretty fierce place. Renekton. Looking to play something new on akali, so if you have any interesting off-meta akali builds lmk Top 2% Rank by size . I'm a katarina main but I can't defend people that play ot top because it has even worse matchups in a long lane its a garbage pick. I just finished Sett adc Top Guides List. Urgot has been absent from the League of Legends meta for sometime now. Bonus points if the champ would be good for split pushing. good off-meta picks . What you are thinking off is obviously Garen, Olaf or Darius AP build or the likes. Has some weaknesses. So in your opinion out of all off meta champions which one is the most annoying to face and why? Sep 17, 2024 路 Why Go Off-Meta? Traditional mages feel limited by cooldowns, while auto-attack reliant champions offer consistent damage output. gg click the link http://rpt. We’ll go over what’s considered best for them in an unfavorable season and why you might want to consider giving them a try. You can either go with a full AP/on-hit build and abuse his magic damage. AD Janna. Meta discussion: Who do you feel is best in Top right now? It's an exchange subreddit for advanced players and a learning subreddit for anyone who The only Top Lane Tier list you need for the newest patch. Riot Games released her mini-rework in LoL Patch 12. One my top meme builds i use is with my main god, Jormungandr, and it is a Carry build (played in Solo, Mid or rarely in jg) focused on Atk speed. I've seen monkeys and bonobos playing top tier meta champs and sucking terribly better they either can't play them well enough or don't understand macro well enough to progress their rank. How? With off meta picks! These 5 are just an example, we will update this article every once in a while, but with the current meta, you want to try out these off meta picks right now. LT tank taric is really, really fun, you can 3v1 if they don't expect it. if it makes sense sure but don't just do something cuz u want to reinvent the wheel when it's just objectively bad and hinders your team. Can't Killean zillean Im a fan of playing off meta jungle picks and from experience these two are the best and why they work Yorick: Clear times is not bad but not great after 6 you just leave camp at half health and it dies to ghouls/maiden, you can solo baron if ahead easily, you can solo some drakes (elements) without being there, getting herald is as good as bel'veth, Ganks with a cage and a slow work like a charm toplane "meta" is pretty strange at the moment. Runes: conqueror, triumph, legend: alacrity or Legend: tenacity depending on how much CC the enemy has, coup de grace, ravenous or relentless hunter (preference) and eyeball collection. But they're both really fun - and it's a game after all. thread over boys this Is a good combo. Noctune Top is always a bit Meta dependent, but he has surprisingly favorable matchups into other Stat-Checkers. I personally use Mono Suppressor, 4. These picks have yielded positive results in my games. Always up-to-date, U. You don’t have to only pick him against specific team comps to be viable, and you might even be able to pick him blindly if you’re really confident with him. net Mar 2, 2024 路 In this post, I’ll list the 15 best off-meta top laners you can play in LoL. 7%, depending on patch updates and sources. I haven't seen a Twitch support in ages, and it looks like you found the pick rate which is below 1%. 5. This is the definition I prefer and is mostly about taking champions that are frequently played in a particular way and playing them in a different style or role from normal. "But Pachirisu Won a VGC Tournament!": I would just be weary and that if you start to pick off meta in ranked, you will get trolled. ) would all be considered off-meta picks. Cho doesn’t need any. baconkiller05 reveals their love for playing a full AP Alistar mid, showcasing a desire for quirky playstyles that break the norm in League of Legends. Need help in rank? Check out these cheap boosting options and get the rank you deserve! Melee Bruisers: AP is also a nono in most cases (though Rumble for example is beatable). she can outlane them pretty heavyly and once you got some items stacked, you can just go "EYES IN SE SKY" on the enemy Dec 2, 2024 路 In League of Legends, with over 150 champions available, breaking away from traditional mid lane picks can give you a significant competitive edge. The dmg you can output is unmatched in the botlane. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best and worst picks for League of Legends Top Lane champions. I am looking for suggestions what could be a fun off-meta pick for top lane to main in season 12. These are our top picks for off-meta ADC champions. Sometimes I am in the mood to follow their call, but most of time I just can't care. After all, what’s meta now was off-meta not too long ago. The pick works well against Irelia, Renekton, Sett, Yorick, Rengar, Tryndamere etc. Ah puch supp isnt off meta. Ezreal/Malphite mid, Wukong/Jarvan/Leesin supp, or ADC Yasuo. While established meta choices dominate high-level play, innovative off-meta selections often catch opponents off guard and create unique opportunities for victory. Some tips… And yeah, I think people rage less about losing to an off-meta pick because it’s just so hard to be prepared to face it, especially when your opponent has “mastered” it. Off meta top lane champs? What are some of your favorite unusual top lane picks? I’m trying to find a fun top lane champ to add to my pool and possibly main but I don’t want to be a meta slave and a lot of them don’t seem too fun. Heimerdinger is a champion of many talents. I tried a lot, kindred mid, wukong support, karthus support, and others more in every role, I Just want to enjoy the game trying something fun. Clear 3 camps with a botlane leash, gank a lane with some CC? Lots of stuff. Talon: I’m not sure if talon jungle is considered off meta but it’s really good with very good ganks. To join Free Tournaments at repeat. LoL Related Reading: Best Off-Meta Mid Laners; Best Off-Meta Top Laners; Best Off-Meta Junglers His item builds are no joke either: throw in Cyclo Sword for raw power, Eclipse for sustain and burst damage, then top it off with Serylda’s Grudge for slows that make enemies regret every step. Finally, it has its own strategic advantages. Players usually do not have much experience playing against non-Meta picks. Picks that are on par with meta that aren't popular Able to face off against meta champs but HappyChimeNoises provides pretty good off meta picks. Recently I've been playing quite a bit of tank lissandra support and she seems to be on the strong side. And all of these qualities make him a great off-meta support pick in LoL! r/OffMeta: Discuss League of Legends off-meta builds. But some off meta picks are situational so I don’t always think it’s a good idea to play her, like if I have mord top and Annie mid. Let’s get started. Give me some off-meta bot lane options! Duoing with a yuumi main, usually play bruisers when I don’t feel like adcing, but I’ve been running out of ideas on surprisingly strong picks. Build divine sunderer into blade of the ruined king (enemies are building tons of HP) or Black Cleaver (enemies are building tons of armor) vs tanks, frostfire gauntlet if you need front line, Really depends how off meta it is. There are alot if off meta mid laners, stuff like trynamere, Tristana, even swain id consider off meta now adays, ap alistar mid works in some matchups, ap shyvanna, Sion, Sett, Morde, AP Kog'maw, AD Twisted Fate, Phase Rush run and gun ap Lucian or even just Lucian, low pick rate picks that aren't meta but never played hardly like aurelion sol, Corki, Taliyah, Graves Mid, Kindred Mid, these My updated off-meta loadout includes the M4 with Socom rounds. Check out our top picks of Taliyah - Great peel support, battle Mage mid, also flex pick for Jungle, can work as APC due to high dps with items and level 9, and even can kind of work top lane. Kayn top also works higher up too though. maybe rageblade is just too good on yi to replace it Off meta picks can work if the guy in front of you is bad, or in general the team is bad, this will create the illusion you are good on this, until you face a decent player. This early-game item is cheap, efficient, and perfectly complements Only do these in normals:- Darius as a counterpick to engage (Leona/Pyke/Pantheon etc) Evelynn if you don’t care if you lose lane but want to gank top and mid post 6 constantly. Ryze EQEQEQEQ (ludens) Saw a ludens singed and it was horrifying. The standard off meta picks at bot are generally mages. Replays of your best TP plays or any top based play. If you get a good leash from your teammates on your Blue Buff, Brand won’t slow you down. Off pro play meta? Vayne, Twitch and Ashe. Solid lane, good roamer with ult, scales decently. Are there any off-meta Champs that you guys are enjoying or having success with. So there you have it – the top 10 best off-meta support champions in LoL. He commentate each play and often plays off meta picks. A Patch 14. Hi, i like jg champs but even more i like off meta picks, i climbed with sylas jg and won few games with morde jg. Personally I like Ornn and Morde as off meta jungle picks. Her passive makes it so the longer you stay in lane just hitting them the more you will out scale them. We hope this list helps you find the off-meta support champion you’ve been looking for. All of these picks are strong in their primary role but they can carry games from the top lane too. Similar level to those meta mid laners that always fall at the bottom of the tier list. Well as long as the champ got some sort of CC, peel or poke it can be played off meta in support. An Off-meta pick can be Amumu toplane. Most of the time it doesn’t work. S Tier- Top 5 picks that currently beat the meta, and is the best for climbing. And pure pressure for opponents to respect his R. Even in casual you are just pissing people off with picks like that. If you're wanting to try off meta picks or weird builds, communicate with your team first to make sure they're all on the same page. We are not as good as we think we are in the game, if you want to improve, just accept this first. is really underrated by players: building it ability based is more common because more easy and viable, but his Autos are a force to be reckoned. More posts you may Jan 20, 2024 路 Malzahar Jungle, AP Kog'maw, Top Jinx, Tank Karthus, Support Orianna, APC-Bot Vel'koz, and Top Kha'zix return for a new season, this time abroad! All 7 guide Feb 17, 2015 路 I’ve added each player’s off-meta picks, Curse’s AD carry position continues to deliver low scores, but two off-meta top laner-led teams are breathing down their necks. Click Here to Improve! https://gopg. Kha’Zix. TF - to counter Evelin or ruin a day for adc with nocturne premade. Who knows? He has videos on every single one of these off meta picks and how they work if you are curious as well. 5m d2 if you have a good anivia player as adc it becomes a slaughter for the enemy team (go hail of blades +ms runes for the extra spice and you can near oneshot at lvl 1 + with gold you can mess the enemy jungler up by shredding his hp bar while a level under him Dec 15, 2020 路 Top 5 off-meta picks on League Of Legends patch 10. Or kayn top. Get your own Alienware Aurora R13 Here: https://amzn. 3. I think this game is too meta-driven right now, which prevents players to experiment. Jan 6, 2025 路 A League of Legends Tier List created by SammyStarlight: Off meta tomfoolery. Meta discussion: Who do you feel is best in Top right now? It's an exchange subreddit for advanced players and a learning subreddit for anyone who so ive been playing a very pyke like strategy with reksai support (its really fun, v high risk, v high reward) but when my games go really well i accumulate a bounty very fast and come late mid game i fall off very hard and am GOING to die, and if the wrong person gets the bounty that can flip the winning game. Urgot sup is the classic off meta sup and works great. This Champion Tier List displays all champions that are frequently played as Top Lane. Ashe is the fotm off meta support pick but you can also force plenty of other adcs into support with AP MF, AP Twitch, AP Varus, AP Zeri, Lethality Jhin. With her unparalleled long-range poke and powerful crowd control, she brings a unique dynamic to the bot lane. I´m a jungle main (plat IV soloQ) and just love it to play Off-Meta picks in the jungle. Dec 19, 2024 路 Zoe has started to make waves as an unconventional off-meta as a support pick in recent patches. Playing these Meta means "most effective tactic", and if singed is the most op champion then singed is meta. i This isn't really an off meta pick more so an off meta decision, but I play Miss Fortune as an ADC with comet in ranked. Heimerdinger. 12 votes, 91 comments. i want everyone that picks off meta pick on bottom (in ranked) to go fuck off and play rust like the toxic trash they are. The tiers mean as follows BEST OFF META- The best off meta pick for the current meta, is very good and fun and is the best for climbing. Jul 31, 2022 路 The learning curve isn’t too hard, but an experienced player will definitely be more obvious. I also like pekinwoof his channel is definitely not about off meta picks but he provides good educational mid lane gameplay. Sett and Pantheon - they have the same situation, so I put them together. Off meta doesn't necessarily means bad, but some players go like "i'm not inting it's just off meta" then pick Leona jungle Off meta picks can be better than meta if the concept is actually well thought, and if there is a strategy behind it, but more often than not, it's straight up "I want to have fun" obv ur not trying to sweat ur ass off with ur theory build, but the chinese build is just a better "assassin samira" If you want another fun build try bruiser samira, you can go shieldbow, situational boots, black cleaver, deaths dance, spirit visage, randuins, deadmans plate, etc. 7. Maokai. ) and supportive mid laners (Zilean, Orianna, etc. Braum. They are straight up unviable in those roles and the games you are winning with such picks you could have easily won with more viable unconventional picks like fenrir support. so im looking for some strategy to lose the bounty without soft throwing the game. Virkayu’s off meta jungle picks are Zyra and KaiSa, but i dont think hes posted a vid telling how to play them. 25 #5 - Urgot - Top Lane. I need suggestions for off-metta picks that are fun or just goofy. Business, Economics, and Finance. Leblanc AD with Trinity. GG takes a data science approach to the best top champions for Patch 15. I usually take grasp for more healing and poke. I main Seraphine APC and every game people question my pick. by Brett Moss | Last Updated: May 31, 2024 | Games, League of Legends, Off-Meta & Fun Picks. ), enchanter supports (Soraka, Lulu, etc. And I’ll also give you the runes and items that give you the biggest advantage for doing that. 20] Best champions with off meta builds. It could be that you're refusing to communicate with your teammates and trying off meta picks and builds, which to them seems like trolling, especially if you do poorly with it. Then there are common off meta champs like cheese tanks with Maokai, Malph, Shen, Ornn, etc. Hey everyone! Sorry if my english good ill try my beast. The atk speed on Jorm. this is comming from the bottom of my heart. See full list on leaguefeed. you land axe and sion throws a minion it's all over adc cant get out of sions smash. It means they have managed to get to your elo despite teammates soft-inting the second they see the pick. I am currently at Gold 3 with a 70% win rate with her. The Poketuber Special: Pick 1 or 2 offmeta Pokemon then jam the biggest meta staples you can find around them. I wouldn’t personally do that (he’s off-meta for a reason), but hey. Because Brand’s damage is so strong, he never struggles to keep up with the enemy jungler. Jayce with aery, your melee e cancels most engages and you have a strong poke(+ you ranged e procs aery on allies). So I really don't care. So I thought for once we should discuss what off-meta picks you usually go for, either if you think it is a good go-to pick or just a counterpick for some champs. Off-meta top laners thrive by catching opponents off guard. His passive stacks synergize ridiculously well here—more outplay potential than most meta picks ever dream of. I've also seen a Nasus support carry an entire game for me. I also find it hilarious that you got flamed by people picking something off meta, when for all they know, you're playing ADC Rell. So I need help to find champs off meta who fun to play and not too common. May i introduce you: Taliyah: my main support since season 6 highly aggressive playmaker mage who can win hard and flex as sup and adc alike gets countered by any point and click engage or nautilus magnetic smooth brain hook. Singed Jungle can be really cracked if you pull it off. i´d recommend you to play quinn top vs melee bruiser with gapcloser (since those are pretty common). which no one can say DOESNT work, but it's not the meta. However I want this to be a challenge therefore I am doing the off-meta challenge/gauntlet/ whatever you call this. Rek'Sai top. (and also pretty much every tank). The best one being Sion, and Ornn and Naut doing ok. 0% and 49. Our statistical LoL Top Lane Tier List is updated hourly with the best champions to play in LoL. And also rivershen. Dec 26, 2024 路 In League of Legends, top lane is often a battleground for meta-dominant champions—but off-meta picks bring an element of surprise that’s hard to counter. Keeping a mediocre win rate on a safe playstyle with a minimum play rate can keep you at a rank for a long time but is definitely different from being able to climb up there. Out of all mage champions that can fit in the jungle role, Brand is perhaps the strongest one. Give them some of their own medicine. Off-meta card picks [Discussion] Definitely going to pick up Force of Negation and Fierce Dec 26, 2024 路 Sejuani stands out as a bold, off-meta support choice with surprising potential. Taric top is legitimately pretty good with ghost and iceborn gauntlet. At lv 9 if you were to EQWaaR a caitlyn with E max its 42% of her health gone in Posted by u/Antique_Hunter9762 - 48 votes and 150 comments As for off meta kayn build crit can work nicely if you do prowlers, ionian, the collector, lord dominicks, infinity edge, mortal reminder. They both feel really nice to play, and I like to describe it as playing a Giant that kinda meanders around. I think he is really good with super off meta picks and getting KR challenger with them. its fun Mar 2, 2024 路 Read Also: Top 15 Best Off-Meta Top Laners. Teemo has always been an off-meta ADC pick in League of Legends. This is an off-meta pick that is dependent on the teammates. 5 Zoe Support What do you all think about off-meta support picks like mage supports or different gamestyles like moonstone Morgana now Since they reworked moonstone it's not valuable to get a different playstyle with certain champs like seraphine Morgana zyra etc. LeBlanc supp might potentially become really strong again, with the planned buffs to her. She does really good damage early game and has sustain in lane. You never know when you’ll discover the Throughout these years we have all encountered champions not being played on their main lane such as J4 support, Shaco support, Rengar adc and many more. 1 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. But if you're just trolling with something dumb like on-hit orianna top and justifying it by it being off-meta then it should be bannable. I personally am fine with someone picking off meta, but it means that that game I am going to pick off meta too, and I will likely be trying one of my “this is crazy but it might work” strats. I will be using this pick as an example as to unify this guide as we move to the W-max Lee Sin is very nice with the new items. Heimerdinger, Syndra, Vlad, Karma and Brand for example. Jul 31, 2022 路 Here are the top 10 best off-meta mid laners in Season 12 of League of Legends. Lucian is even more OP but he is in the pro play meta in top, mid and bot. pro/lgDiscover the wo I only play off meta for the same fun factor and I just mute early and often. Usually pairs well with a high cc support or jungler. Going an "off-meta" pick means you are picking champs that are not necessarily the pick of the litter TODAY, but might have been yesterday, or could be tomorrow. Jan 25, 2024 路 If you don’t like to play support champions, have a look at the 10 best off meta junglers. the new buffs to seraphine made me play her a lot on the mid lane, thats the basic off meta pick i could recommend you since is super fun or if you want to make someone miserable you should try mid twitch full ap, it clears like crazy when you have enough ap and you get to perma roam to every place that you think could net you a kill Hi, I am a top/supp main who sometimes likes to jungle, and as I do for my main roles, I like to pick off meta/weird picks So far I have tested Thresh, Ornn, Renekton, Sion, Nautilus, Cho'Gath and Galio. The risk and thrill of playing such champions add an exciting twist to the game. Be sure to test them out and don't hesitate to comment if you did so! Even thoug I forgot but he has weird top picks. 0x Hybrid Optic, Tac Laser, and Sleight of Hand. Conclusion. This makes him great to pick up for some quick fun. otskbo kkqadw rwerzfa lccdmb jnphgh muh tep xspabj nqhhaz zeau