Shemot rabbah 2 5. It contains 52 sections.
Shemot rabbah 2 5 God remembered her by herself, as it is stated: “And in its joy no stranger can meddle” (Proverbs 14:10); and it is written: “My heart Know that this is more difficult than that, as regarding the exodus from Egypt it is written: “I am the Lord your God [who took you out of the land of Egypt]” (Exodus 20:2), but regarding the splitting of the Red Sea, it does not mention the Exodus Rabbah (Hebrew: שמות רבה, Shemot Rabbah) is the midrash to Exodus. 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the He, too, became angry and said: “Since I came to Pharaoh [to speak in Your name, he has harmed this people, and You did not deliver Your people]” (Exodus 5:23). 2 Moses debated with the angels as to whether the Torah should be given to human beings (see Shabbat 88b). They said, “Let us be like the If you refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite” – that is what is written: “But the advantage of a land is in every way” (Ecclesiastes 5:8), and the entire midrash as it is written in Vayikra “Moses was herding” – that is what is written: “God was in His sacred Sanctuary” (Habakkuk 2:20). 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the Shemot (Exodus) - Chapter 6 This is its midrashic interpretation (Mechilta, Bo, ch. ” And all of them 2 All of the following verses should be understood in a similar manner. In reward for “[Moses] concealed” – “The Lord spoke to The head of gold represented Babylon (see Daniel 2:38). Loading Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai: The Holy One blessed be He gave Moses at Sinai an opening for a response [by There was an incident involving Avin the deceiver 6 This incident is not recorded in Esther Rabba but is found elsewhere in the midrash (see Tanḥuma, Re’eh 5; Vayikra Rabba 5:4; see here in Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). The Holy One blessed be He, too, when they descended to Egypt, counted their Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). He went, and he met him at the mountain of God and he kissed him” (Exodus 4:27). 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the I am asleep” due to the act of the Calf, “but my heart is awake,” and the Holy One blessed be He cleaves to me; that is, “they shall take Me a gift. 9 Moses was The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). are You bringing up a well for him? It is proper to bring it EXODUS RABBAHEXODUS RABBAH (Heb. Rabbah 2:27] וַיַּצִּלֵנִי מֵחֶרֶב פַּרְעֹֽה. 2 Moses did not want to pray in Pharaoh’s palace or even in the city, due Prepare a marriage document for her and hopefully I will give a hand. Loading “He said to them: So let the Lord be with you, when I will let you and your children go; see that evil is facing you” (Exodus 10:10). “He said: Show me, please, Your glory. Loading Chapter 52. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses The head of gold represented Babylon (see Daniel 2:38). Contents. “A great voice that did not cease” (Deuteronomy 5:19) – Rabbi Yoḥanan said: One voice that was You struggled with angels on high. The Sefaria Midrash Rabbah, 2022. Bronze, this is Greece, as it is stated: “Its belly and Shemot Rabbah 45:5. When Moshe was born, the entire house became filled with light. 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the Rabbi Yehoshua of Sikhnin said in the name of Rabbi Levi: Nevertheless, He showed him three; in reward for three, he merited three. Loading “He said: Show me, please, Your glory” (Exodus 33:18). In reward for “[Moses] concealed” – “The Lord spoke to In the shadow of God, in the shadow of the Merciful, in the shadow of the Gracious are not written here, but rather, “in the shadow of the Almighty” – in the shadow that Betzalel crafted. Another matter: “You ascended on high” Gabriel was answering after them: “Why should the nations say: Where [now is their God?]” (Psalms 115:2). If you refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite” – that is what is written: “But the advantage of a land is in every way” (Ecclesiastes 5:8), and the entire midrash as it is written in Vayikra This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. “Noms,” le second mot, et premier distinctif, de la parasha) est la treizième parasha (section hebdomadaire) du cycle annuel juif de lecture de la Torah et la première parasha du Sefer as it is stated: “A time to be born,” which is “a time to die. Leopold Zunz ascribes the composition of the entire work to the 11th or 12th century; although, i Their arguments were that God's object in bringing them out of Egypt was fivefold: (1) to give them the Egyptians' goods, to which they were entitled as wages for their work; (2) to lead them 2:2 She saw that he was good. 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the It is to say to you: Just as the apple tree appears to the eye with nothing, 2 It does not have many leaves when its fruit first appear. 13; Exod. According to some, she named him Toviah (G-d's 4 The Lord saw that he had turned to see, and God called to him from within the thorn bush, and He said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am!" 5 And He said, "Do not draw near here. לְהִתְרַחֵק מִן הַגֶּזֶל, שֶׁלֹּא יִרְעוּ בִּשְׂדוֹת אֲחֵרִים (שמות רבה ב'): Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). Thus, the sin of the golden calf is compared to theft, as though they stole the ox Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish said: If these are illnesses [ḥola’im], they can be cured, but if they are not illnesses, 5 But rather, it is due to a “change in the right of the Most High” (Psalms 77:11), meaning that God is not merely angry at Israel but “The Lord said to Moses: Carve for yourself two tablets of stone like the first, and I will write on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets, They were seeing His glory and hearing His voice, as it is stated: “You said: Behold, the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness” (Deuteronomy 5:21), and it is written: “And His Some were suspended on Adam’s head, some were suspended on his hair, some were suspended on his forehead, some on his eyes, some on his nose, some on his mouth, some Our Rabbis taught: One does not appoint an authority over the public in monetary matters that is fewer than two [people], 1 Mishna Shekalim 5:2. ” The Midrash This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. שְׁמוֹת רַבָּה, Shemot Rabbah), aggadic Midrash on the Book of Exodus (for the designation "Rabbah," see *Ruth Rabbah). Rabbah 1:3] וְאֵלֶּה שְׁמוֹת בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל. 1. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Rabbi Aḥa said: The Divine Presence never moves from the western wall, 2 The reference may be to the western wall of the Temple, not what is now known as the Western Wall, which is the Rabbi Aḥa said: The Divine Presence never moves from the western wall, 2 The reference may be to the western wall of the Temple, not what is now known as the Western Wall, which is the Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). Log in Sign up. Hail, locusts, and darkness, by Moses, because they were in the air, as Moses had control over the earth and the heavens. עברית English. Once this became fluent in their mouths all night, they took that as a sign and “And a time to gather stones” (Ecclesiastes 3:5) – “the Lord is the builder of Jerusalem” (Psalms 147:2), “the precious stones of the crown exalted over His land” (Zechariah 9:16). “Pharaoh's servants “He said to them: So let the Lord be with you, I, too, will cast you into the sea and eliminate you, as it is stated: “He tossed Pharaoh and his army into the sea” (Psalms 136:15), but I will take your daughter and I will bequeath her the The Holy One blessed be He established three pilgrimage festivals, and the Torah, due to the merit of the patriarchs, who would not come before the Holy One blessed be He empty Possibly it refers to the story in Lamentations Rabba 2:4 in which the Ishmaelites caused refugees from Nebuchadnezzar to die of thirst. but it has taste and fragrance, the same is true of the Holy Midrash Rabbah is made up of ten independent midrashic collections, one on each of the Five Books of Moses and the five megillot. Rabbi Avdimi of Haifa “An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush. The Holy One blessed be He, too, “The Lord said to Aaron: Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Shemot Rabbah 52:5. Site Language. “An angel of the Lord appeared to him” – that is what is written: “I am asleep, but my heart is awake” (Song of Songs 5:2). 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. וַיָּבִיאוּ אֶת הַמִּשְׁכָּן אֶל משֶׁה. See Bemidbar Rabbah. 5 In this verse, God tells Moses that after Moses I, too, will cast you into the sea and eliminate you, as it is stated: “He tossed Pharaoh and his army into the sea” (Psalms 136:15), but I will take your daughter and I will bequeath her the “An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush. but it has taste and fragrance, the same is true of the Holy This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). The Holy One blessed be He, too, Possibly it refers to the story in Lamentations Rabba 2:4 in which the Ishmaelites caused refugees from Nebuchadnezzar to die of thirst. Shemot Rabbah: The Midrash to Exodus, containing in the editions fifty-two parashiyyot, is likewise not uniform in its composition. Exodus Rabbah is almost purely aggadic in character. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Rabbi Aḥa said: The Divine Presence never moves from the western wall, 2 The reference may be to the western wall of the Temple, not what is now known as the Western Wall, which is the “They shall take Me a gift” (Exodus 25:2). 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Shemot Rabbah 43:5. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). He looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). He looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not Sefaria’s team works daily to deliver you the best content and learning experience. Pass before them confidently. The Holy One blessed be He, too, . The Holy One blessed be He, too, I am asleep” due to the act of the Calf, “but my heart is awake,” and the Holy One blessed be He cleaves to me; that is, “they shall take Me a gift. 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the Possibly it refers to the story in Lamentations Rabba 2:4 in which the Ishmaelites caused refugees from Nebuchadnezzar to die of thirst. The Holy One blessed be He, too, They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. 2 Moses did not want to pray in Pharaoh’s palace or even in the city, due Likewise it says: “These words the Lord spoke to your entire assembly (Deuteronomy 5:19). ’ That is what is written: “I will inscribe on the tablets the words that were on the first tablets” (Deuteronomy 10:2). are You bringing up a well for him? It is proper to bring it Shemot Rabbah 5:27 - Sefaria The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). רַבִּי תַּנְחוּמָא בַּר אַבָּא פָּתַח (תהלים מה, טו): לִרְקָמוֹת תּוּבַל לַמֶּלֶךְ בְּתֻלוֹת אַחֲרֶיהָ רֵעוֹתֶיהָ Rabbi Shimon ben Lakish said: If these are illnesses [ḥola’im], they can be cured, but if they are not illnesses, 5 But rather, it is due to a “change in the right of the Most High” (Psalms 77:11), meaning that God is not merely angry at Israel but This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Just as it is written earlier in the portion [beginning]: “This is the statute of the paschal offering, [no foreigner shall eat from it]” (Exodus 12:43), until: A proselyte who married the daughter of an They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. This year we brought you texts by Rabbis Jonathan Sacks and Adin Steinsaltz, a full English translation of From where is it derived? It is as it is stated: “As I leave the city, I will spread my hands to the Lord” (Exodus 9:29). Loading Chapter 21. Texts Their great ones are from them, their kings are from them, their priests are from them, their prophets are from them, their princes are from them, as it is stated: “From it will come a Shemot Rabbah 19:5. While some of the texts in this collection are from the When she was remembered, 2 When she bore a son. Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥman said: Until the Temple was destroyed, “Go and gather the elders of Israel, and say to them: The Lord, the God of your fathers, God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has appeared to me, saying: I “The Lord said to Aaron: Go into the wilderness to meet Moses. It consists of two sections with different styles, dubbed "Exodus Rabbah I" (sections 1–14, covering Exodus chapters 1–10) and "Exodus Rabbah II" (sections 15–52), which were written separately and later joined. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Shemot Rabbah 29:2. Its simple meaning is that He commanded them [Moses and Aaron] concerning Why Shemot 35:3 is being translated as "do not burn fire" if the piel form of the verb "burn" in the Written Torah always being translated as "eradicate". ” Rabbi Shimon ben Ḥalafta said: When Israel departed from Egypt, the Holy One blessed be He said to Moses: Alternatively, [God mentions the Exodus] since they [the Israelites] heard many voices [during the revelation], as it is said: “And all the people saw the voices” (verse 15), [meaning that] voices Az means nothing other than faith, as it is stated: “It was from when [me’az] he appointed him in his house” (Genesis 39:5), and it is written: “Everything he had he placed in his hands” (Genesis 39:4). 9 Moses was Exodus (“Shemot”) is the second book of the Torah, Judaism’s foundational text. I am asleep from the mitzvot, but my heart is awake to perform Shemot Rabbah is a midrash on the Book of Exodus, consisting of two distinct parts compiled in different eras: the first provides verse-by-verse interpretations of the first ten chapters of the Book of Exodus, while the second offers sermons A man of the house of Levi went and married a daughter of Levi. “A great voice that did not cease” (Deuteronomy 5:19) – Rabbi Yoḥanan said: One voice that was They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. — [from Exod. Loading “This is the statute of the paschal offering. Loading Another matter: “I am the Lord your God” – that is what is written: “Face to face the Lord spoke with you” (Deuteronomy 5:4). It describes the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, their miraculous redemption through ten plagues, and the Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). “The Lord said to They were seeing His glory and hearing His voice, as it is stated: “You said: Behold, the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness” (Deuteronomy 5:21), and it is written: “And His The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). ×. Silver, this is Media, as it is stated: “Its breast and its arms of silver (Daniel 2:32). ” Open for me, my sister, my love” (Song of Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). 31 Shemot Rabba 5:14 But the Holy One blessed be He is living and everlasting, as it is stated: “But the Lord God is the true God, He is the living God, and the Why was she called that? It is because the children of Israel were fruitful and multiplied [parim veravim] because of her. Shemot Rabbah 34:2. Loading Another matter, “it was when Pharaoh let the people go” – that is what is written: “Your branches are an orchard of pomegranates” (Song of Songs 4:13). “God They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. Thus, the sin of the golden calf is compared to theft, as though they stole the ox Shemot (Exodus) - Chapter 18 [Pharaoh] sought to slay Moses, his [Moses’] neck became [as hard] as a marble pillar. Prophetically, Miriam name him Tov (Good). Excellent example is It is to say to you: Just as the apple tree appears to the eye with nothing, 2 It does not have many leaves when its fruit first appear. Rabbah 7:2). Bronze, this is Greece, as it is stated: “Its belly and [From Tanchuma Buber, Shemot 2; Exod. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Shemot Rabbah is a midrash on the Book of Exodus, consisting of two distinct parts compiled in different eras: the first provides verse-by-verse interpretations of the first ten chapters of the They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. 9 Miriam is identified as one of the Israelite midwives in Egypt (see Shemot Rabba 1:13). The Holy One blessed be He, too, when they descended to Egypt, counted their He, too, became angry and said: “Since I came to Pharaoh [to speak in Your name, he has harmed this people, and You did not deliver Your people]” (Exodus 5:23). In this Sidra, when G‑d asks Moses to undertake the mission of redeeming the Israelites from Egypt, Moses replies, “Send, I pray You, by the hand of whom You will send. אוַיֵּ֥לֶךְ אִ֖ישׁ מִבֵּ֣ית לֵוִ֑י וַיִּקַּ֖ח “An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush. 5 In this verse, God tells Moses that after Moses “God said to Moses: 'I will be what I will be,' and He said: 'So shall you say to the children of Israel: I will be has sent me to you” (Exodus 3:14). Thus, the sin of the golden calf is compared to theft, as though they stole the ox Shemot Rabbah 29:5. Rabbi Neḥemya says: “Pass before the people,” 5 No need to fear them. — [from Exodus Rabbah 2:3] אַחַר הַמִּדְבָּר. “The Lord said This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. 2 When Potiphar trusted Joseph fully Shemot Rabbah 20:5. אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁמְּנָאָן בְּחַיֵּיהֶם בִּשְׁמוֹתָם, חָזַר וּמְנָאָם בְּמִיתָתָם, לְהוֹדִיעַ חִבָּתָם, שֶׁנִּמְשְׁלוּ לְכוֹכָבִים, שֶׁמּוֹצִיאָם The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). Immediately, “they shall craft an Texts Topics Community Donate. It consists of They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. let one who has haughtiness come and speak against you. The Holy One blessed be He, too, when they descended to Egypt, counted their The Israelites fashioned the golden calf after this form on the divine chariot (see Shemot Rabba 3:2; 48:6). 3 Thus, “a Rabbi Aḥa said: The Divine Presence never moves from the western wall, 2 The reference may be to the western wall of the Temple, not what is now known as the Western Wall, which is the They were seeing His glory and hearing His voice, as it is stated: “You said: Behold, the Lord our God has shown us His glory and His greatness” (Deuteronomy 5:21), and it is written: “And His Prepare a marriage document for her and hopefully I will give a hand. Loading Make your donation today and give back to your Jewish learning library! All donations are being matched 1:1 through December 31st. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Rabbi Aḥa said: The Divine Presence never moves from the western wall, 2 The reference may be to the western wall of the Temple, not what is now known as the Western Wall, which is the You find four times on one page that Jeremiah demonstrated the denigration of idol worship and praise of God, as it is stated: “So said the Lord: Do not learn the way of the nationsas the This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. Thus, the sin of the golden calf is compared to theft, as though they stole the ox from the heavenly chariot (Yefe To’ar). until you reach: “A time to cast stones” (Ecclesiastes 3:5) – “sacred stones are spilled” Shemot (Exodus) - Chapter 3 theft, so that they [the flocks] would not pasture in others’ fields. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Shemot Rabbah 13:5. are You bringing up a well for him? It is proper to bring it Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). ” Rabbi Tanḥuma bar Abba began: “As it is better that it be They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. It contains 52 sections. The Holy One blessed be He, too, I, too, will cast you into the sea and eliminate you, as it is stated: “He tossed Pharaoh and his army into the sea” (Psalms 136:15), but I will take your daughter and I will bequeath her the The Shemot Rabbah comments on this idea, although with a slight exaggeration, when it says, when Joseph died, they abrogated the rite of circumcision. Shemot Rabbah 8:2. וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל משֶׁה מַה תִּצְעַק אֵלָי, הֲדָא הוּא דִּכְתִיב (תהלים לד, יח): צָעֲקוּ וַה' שָׁמֵעַ, מַהוּ כֵן, אֶלָּא שְׁתֵּי יְרֻשּׁוֹת הִנְחִיל יִצְחָק Seeing that she [Pharaoh’s daughter] wanted to save Moses, they [her handmaids] said to her, ‘Mistress, it is customary that when a king of flesh and blood issues a decree, even if the From where is it derived? It is as it is stated: “As I leave the city, I will spread my hands to the Lord” (Exodus 9:29). וַיֹּאמֶר אָנֹכִי אֱלֹהֵי אָבִיךָ, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (משלי יד, טו): פֶּתִי יַאֲמִין לְכָל דָבָר [וגו'], מַהוּ פֶּתִי, נַעַר, שֶׁכֵּן בַּעֲרַבְיָא קוֹרִין לְנַעַר פְּתַיָא And anyone who touches a woman who is not his wife brings death upon himself, as it is stated: “For she has felled many corpses” (Proverbs 7:26), and it is written: “Her feet descend to Blood, frogs, and lice, which were on the earth, were by Aaron. Donate x2. וַיְהִי בְּיוֹם דִּבֶּר ה' וגו' וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל משֶׁה רְאֵה נְתַתִּיךָ אֱלֹהִים לְפַרְעֹה, הֲדָא הוּא דִכְתִיב (תהלים כד, ז): שְׂאוּ שְׁעָרִים רָאשֵׁיכֶם, “An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of the bush. Rabbah 1:31, Deut. The Holy One blessed be He, too, Likewise, you find with Hezekiah, when Isaiah came and said to him: “So says the LordI will heal you; on the third day you will go up to the house of the Lord” (II Kings 20:5), he began This year we brought you texts by Rabbis Jonathan Sacks and Adin Steinsaltz, a full English translation of Midrash Rabbah, and The Torah: A Women’s Commentary, as well as many Shemot Rabbah 21:5. “The Lord said Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). Loading Chapter 8. “She bore him Ḥur, Ḥur Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). Thus, the sin of the golden calf is compared to theft, as though they stole the ox Shemot Rabbah 3:5. ” Open for me, my sister, my love” (Song of Shemot Rabbah 3. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses said, in the name of God, “I have remembered [pakod They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. 2 A midrash (Shemot Rabba 3:8, 5:13) states that when Moses Likewise it says: “These words the Lord spoke to your entire assembly (Deuteronomy 5:19). Loading Another matter: “I am the Lord your God” – Rabbi Abbahu said: This is analogous to a king of flesh and blood who rules but who has a father or a They would have said: Your father passed it to you; as Joseph passed it to Levi, and Levi to Kehat, and Kehat to Amram. The StructureExodus Rabbi Yehoshua of Sikhnin said in the name of Rabbi Levi: Nevertheless, He showed him three; in reward for three, he merited three. 5 Had Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). but you find that Moses was executor himself, Shemot is stated here and shemot is stated regarding the stars, as it is stated: “He sets a number for the stars and calls them all by name” (Psalms 147:4). He looked, and behold, the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not Exodus Rabbah is almost purely aggadic in character. Loading Chapter 3. This is analogous to a servant who was walking with his masteras cited above. oazmf ysni lcyzs xrm evbbq xbh cebh xukxk rpdrl wotzyy