6bm8 vs el84. Last edited: Sep 1, 2016.

6bm8 vs el84. pdf (473964 … Author Topic: 6MB8 vs.
6bm8 vs el84 . The 6BM8 has a triode and a sharp cutoff pentode in the same envelope; the el84 is just a pentode. Think jangly tones, for lack of a better term. Don't know if ECL81 or ECL83 ever existed. Joined 2007. entire different (sees london) football game 🙂 for the record. Global Moderator; Level 5; Posts: 10204; Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all! 6MB8 vs. I was just thinking earlier today of building a bedroom/church gig amp with a Trainwreck style SE amp with a 6BM8. crvena zvezda owns 😉 anyway, to convert your el84 amp to el34's, you'd need at least a new output transformer, if you want to run two. Will be a half power L'pool as 4xECL82 (6BM8) adds up to 15W. It's not a perfect EL84, but pretty close. Dumb tube question. The ECL92/6BM8 has been described as 1/2 an ECC81/12AT7 + a derated EL84. Whenever TubeDepot carries a selection of 6BM8 / ECL82 Power Vacuum Tubes. 6BM8 / 6bm8 6cj5 6bx6 6by7 z729 6267 el84 6bq5 6da6 6am6 6cq6: ef93 ef94 ef95 eh90 ek90 el34 el36 el37 el38 el41 el81 el84 el85 el86 el90 el91 el95 em80 em81 em84 en91 eq80 ey51 ey81 ey82 ey86 ez35 ez40 ez80 ez81 ez90 g2 g84 gz30 gz32 gz34 h63 hbc90 hbc91 hch81 hd14 hf93 hf94 hk90 hl92 hl94 hm04 hy90 kr-1 el84 6bq5 ef86 6267 3dg4 daf91 1s5 1fd9 last update: 23 Đèn 6BM8 tuy rẻ nhưng không phải dễ kiếm. The plate lead of the 6BQ5 corresponds to 6BQ5 (EL84) PP amps that I have seen usually have output transformers with an Raa of around 8K, but sometimes they can go as low as 6K which might be stretching things a bit for the 6BM8. 6BM8 - ECL82 - 6GW8; 6AQ5 - EL90 - 6005 -6095; 6973 - 6CZ5; Medium & Large . 2019-09-11 4:43 am #14 2019 When it comes to EL84 vs EL34 tubes, the biggest difference is in their headroom and overall output characteristics, with the EL84 being a lower wattage and headroom tube. Condition: New New. KT66 Sound Signature. The power tube Carr Amplifiers - 6BeeM8 – ECL82 What is the 6BM8? tubeswell wrote:FWIW the ECL86 has an EL84-like pentode inside the envelope (and a 12AX7-like triode). Tubes can sound different from amp to amp depending on the circuit design, too. The 7189 is just a high-power version EL84. I think the 6BM8 is a warmer and smoother sounding tube, IMO. A fairly obscure tube The ECL82, otherwise known as the 6BM8, is a "hybrid" tube triode line stage plus a pentode output stage in one bottle. Love the RV50. 1. Còn nếu bạn chung thủy với phương án spud amp thì có thể chọn loại bóng 3 cực/ 5 cực khác dễ kiếm hơn như PCL86, 6F5P (Nga). pdf (126974 bytes) ECL82 Tesla tP ECL82. Home; What My Customers Say; 6BM8 | ECL82 Tubes; 7027 Tubes; 7591 Tubes; 7868 Tubes; 211 | VT4-C Tubes; 807 Tubes; 845 Tubes; Big Powers Tubes | Rectifier Tubes . I have a quad of 6P14P-K (vibration resistant) and have had no issues. Just a personal preference and both sound good. pdf (152163 bytes) (fr) ECL82 Brimar tP ECL82. EL84 bruger en hel del mere glødestrøm, 760mA vs. These may also be branded as Funkwerk Erfurt, Glotron, Globus, Neuhaus etc The tube has the same pinout as EL84 and is a bit more powerfull. Related items. Mullard RI ECC83/12ax7. The manufacturer states that due to its rugged construction and conservative JJ Electronic has introduced an EL84 vacuum tube with a twist! The new JJ EL844 power tube provides about 25% less headroom than a traditional EL84, but can be used in any EL84 tube amp without modification to the amp. These are the stock tubes the TubeDepot TubeCube | 7 and they sound great. I've got a couple of Amperex EL84 tubes that claim Made In Holland, but they are visibly Mullards and the etch codes confirm Blackburn production. You’re aware of a guitar amplifier’s preamp and power amp section. The 5U4 Tube; The 5Y3 Tube; The My questions relate to my Eico HF-12 but would also apply to the HF-81, HF-14 and possibly others that used EL84 output tubes. NOS. Yes. When compared with the preamp tubes, these tubes have a larger size. By the late 1950s there was a large selection of stereo hifi audio tube amplifiers available. Single ended. The 6BM8 uses the same nine-pin socket as an EL 84, but it's NOT the same base. 3v pentodes. Payment method: Interac/EMT: Condition: 8 - Very good (?) Date Posted: Jul 23, 22 9:58pm (PST) About Seller: Follow user. You'll get a lot more power from an EL34 amp than from the same number of power tubes in an EL84 amp. The RFT EL84 tends to overdrive easy making it a good choice for hard rock and blues. Started building this recently. I used it on on the power amp and the LTPI vs. Cheers, Ian . 6BM8 is similar to a 6BQ5 and half a 12AT7. Using EL84: 6BQ5, E84L, 7189. The EL34 brings forth power, warmth, and high headroom, ideal ECL82/6BM8 are in current production too. You Title: 6BM8 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-12-18 Created Date: 12/18/2011 9:07:12 PM 6BM8 - ECL82 - 6GW8; 6AQ5 - EL90 - 6005 -6095; 6973 - 6CZ5; Medium & Large . The ECL82, otherwise known as the 6BM8, is a "hybrid" tube triode line stage plus a pentode output stage in one bottle. The amp is about 7 watts. For plate dissipation comparisons in watts a 6V6 is 14, an EL84 is 12, an EL34 is 25, and a 6L6 is 30. It sounds great and is 6BQ5 vs. (heater current of 6L6's can make it The cathode and grid leads of the 6BM8 go to pins that are normally unused for the 6BQ5/EL84. In a small combo amp there is no 6V6 and EL84 are almost bound to have a similar required anode load because they are designed to run similar power from a similar supply voltage. I believe the difference is an extra screen vs. Just a Note- RCA label EL84 pentode does not replace 6BM8 which is a triode/pentode. Funny thing is, the EL84 is not a "good" valve, it was designed as a cheap jobbie for domestic radios. EL34: 6CA7: DM: See the 6CA7 model. Usually you can put a 7189 in place of an EL84 but not the other way around. New. The triode side is more like a 12AT7, and the power pentode also has less gain than an EL84. IMG_4179 The 6AS7 vacuum tube is also known as the equivalent part numbers 6H13C and 6N13S. Source Legend: DC Dave Cigna / Francesco Piazza DM Me! The above SPICE EL34 vs. Member. A recent customer comment: That went smoothly. KT88: KT88: DC: PL509: 6KG6: DM: See the 6KG6 model. JJ has a new tube, the EL844 -6BQ5, could it be used as a substitute for an EL84 -6BQ5 and if so, based on the lower plate voltage what does this tonally mean? I'm basing this on the data sheets from JJ: for my EL84 use. OTOH, the pentode (power) side has more potential trouble. When it comes to tube-driven amps, they include tubes in both sections. nzoomed. Item #649758934. As a 12AX7 has two units, four units seems to be two bottles. This is the second 6BM8 push/pull amp I've built. N. Default vB5 Style - Black Red - Blue Green - Blue Yellow - Cool Blue - Dark - Denim - Gradient - Grey Stripes ALL 6BM8 / ECL82 triode-pentode tube types, including European, USA types New old stock in original and white boxes. The closest thing to EL84/6BQ5 you can find in a noval based compound valve certainly is the pentode section of ECL86/6GW8/PCL86/14GW8, which can be viewed as a plate Pd derated (9W vs. RV50 I don't think has as much gain as the Thunderverbs, but has plenty for what you want to do. Worldwide shipping. It's called a 56T reverb and is based on an amp drawn up by DaGeezer on another forum. JJ 6V6S Power Vacuum Tube. Most prefer Matsushita brand. You might The RCA 6BM8 is a quality tube perfect for your application. It has EL84's in the bass channel, and Mullard ECL82's (6BM8's) in the stereo channels. It takes about -14 V to put an EL84 into cut-off, Many of the EH preamp tubes are offered with standard or gold pins. just Not the 15 watts of 6BQ5/EL84, but close enough! The 6BM8 are good sounding tubes. Comment. MORE OF THESE RARE BABIES JUST IN!! These 6BM8. Go for ECL84 or ECL82 would be my recommendation. And to add to that, I do know from 6F3P / 6BM8 / ECL82 Svetlana triode-beam power tube Vacuum tubes, Capacitors, Nixie Tubes, Indicators, VFD display, LED, Sockets. 4 x Vacuum Tube Sockets. The EL84 is the Western equivalent of the 6P14P and one of the most popular pentodes used in audio amplifiers, particularly for guitar and hi-fi applications. Customer Reviews Specifications Description Store More to love . The power tube section has a dissipation of 7 watts. I've recently worked on two guitar amps that The 6BM8 is a 9 pin current production tube containing one high gain triode (pre amp tube) and one power pentode in the same glass envelope. X. Registered as a business seller. Originally this amp had EL84's but I changed those to 6BM8 pentodes. If you’re reading this, I can safely assume that you already know some guitar amp basics. Before I could EL84 vs EL34. In the realm of clean tones, 6L6 tubes are celebrated for their brighter and fuller sound, delivering a robust low-end that caters well to country and CMC Telflon 9pin 9pins vacuum Tube Socket for 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5/EL84 6CG7 6FQ7. Hello, for 6BM8, I'd use 4K on the plate, and 2K to the Screen(Grid2). The 6BM8 concept amps schematics are ones I drew up and I haven't built them. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. EL84 vs. We have excellent NOS Amperex Holland, Siemens Germany, and Mullard UK made tubes. The mutual conductance of an EL84 is around 11 mA/V, while the 6V6 and 6AQ5 are around 4 mA/V. $29. Checking out a schematic first might be a good idea. 99 $ 15. EL84 may be more linear, but it has a reputation for short life probably because it just runs too hot. New production power tubes from Electro-Harmonix & other assorted brands! Email Password Confirm Password. Search this page . 6P14P vs. Channels. Search. The triode plate lead of the 6BM8 going to the screen pin of the 6BQ5 would have only acted to apply plate voltage, where plate voltage normally would go, too. If more The all new TAD-EL84-STR REDBASE brings together the best of both worlds - the famous EL84-Cz and the EL84M. There certainly used to be an ECL80 but haven't seen one for years. The 6AS7G power tube is best known for being the used in Atma-Sphere OTL Tube amplifier and many OLT headphone amps. pdf (128965 bytes) 6BM8 Svetlana tP 6BM8. 00. The JJ EL84 is a great replacement for any EL84 / 6BQ5 tube. This does not tell us how much power the tube will make though it Lifespan of EL84. Tung-Sol 12AX7 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube. Comparing the Eico HF-12 to the Fisher 30-A, Eico ran the screens slightly above the plate (336v screen & 330v plate). They are equally good in nearly all guitar amplifiers. com. Essentially the bottle is too small. The Electro Harmonix power vacuum tubes are great quality as well. First, let me say that this post is just thinking out loud from someone who's arrived at working on guitar amps through a very indirect route through tube Hi-Fi and Hammond/Leslie. 6Н2П (6n2p) 6ax7: 6Н3П (6n3p) 6aq8, 6jx8, 396a, 6c51, ecc42, 6Н3П-Е (6n3p-e) 5670, 6385: 6Н5С (6n5s) 6as7g: 6Н7С (6n7s) 6n7: 6Н8С (6n8s) 6sn7gt, ecc32 6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P type tube made in Russia, old stock, solid long life construction Low-frequency preamp and output amplifier in one tube! Equivalent of the 6BM8, ECL82. A PSU using an unsymmetrical 1/2 wave rectifier is a BAD idea, as "standing" DC is present on the rectifier winding. Post Cancel. pdf (123198 bytes) 6BM8 : RCA (RC30) tP 6BK7B. Ex-Moderator. A few newer 6BM8 amps have been built in China in the last 15 Must be made by one of the Phillips family members, though its hard to say who without reading the etch codes. Parts arrived on F-7189 has always been a Limited Edition model for the tube connoisseurs and purist who likes the EL84/7189/6BQ5 tubes so much and wanted more power. Add to EL84 vs EL34 - Gain on 5, Volume on 10. 0482 176 767; neil@thevalvestore. EL90: 6V6GTA: DC: EL509: 6KG6: DM: See the 6KG6 model. If you want a clean channel I think Rockerverb is the way to go. It would be about an 10w, AB push-pull amp with only 3 tubes if I used a solid state rectifier. $30. 2016 11:07 pm. Lifespan of 6V6. $16. The reissues were about 103 to 106%. - PCB ONLY. What kind of valves can be use:71A,45,2A3,VT-25,6AC5,6F6,6V6,6BM8,6BQ5(EL84),7189 Max Power is 5W/100Hz primary DC current s 80mA 347±5% ohms(20C The JJ EL84 is a great replacement for any EL84 / 6BQ5 tube. Simply click this link EL84. Customer Reviews. keystrobe. David Root Posts: 3540 Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:00 pm Location: Chilliwack BC. The Epi uses two 6EU8s and two 6BQ5s (same as EL84) and a 6CA4 rectifier (same as 6BM8--is it an EL84 or EL82? Collapse. Have fun. 95 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; 6SN7; 6SL7; 7199; 5AR4 / GZ34 / GZ37; 5Y3 / 5Z3; 5U4; 2A3 / 6A3 / 300B; 211 / 242 / 845; American 5 Tube Set; Parts Although uncommon in guitar amplification, 6BM8 valves are still in production and, in their British denomination ECL82, feature in one of our favourite-sounding amps of all time: the rare 1960s 6BQ5/EL84 Early Amperex Bugle Boy, Amperex Hammond, or white label type OEM, 1950s with "D" getter, Holland, MATCHED PAIR: New Old Stock, white boxes and original boxes. Set # 1:Preamp Tube: 12AX7Power Tube: EL84Set # 2:Preamp Tube: 12AX7Power Tube: EL34Mat NEW Version R1. 98. Store "Soviet Tubes" on vacation, shipping available from 10 jule 2022. Some of these were made I've picked up several NOS pairs of the 6BM8. e, other countries), the new-production 6BM8 may be a more practical solution Regards, Gordon. Made in Great Britain. vibe going. Amplifier: 5 Watt custom build. Current production available by Electro-Harmonix and occasionally vintage NOS vacuum tubes are available. Joined 2015. EL84/6BQ5/6P14 (type 1) vs 6P15/SV83 (type 2) vs EL83 (type 3) AND NO, the 6P1 is not an EL84 type at all, with completely different pinout, and it has been mentioned that it is more like a 9-pin mini version of 6V6, similar to I have built 6BM8 amps using the 6BM8 triodes for the LTPI. Another consideration would be output transformers from an ECL86 PP amp, less watts but still enough for the 6BM8's. Jeg har ikke afprøvet den teori, men den synes fornuftigt. But the EL84 works nicely in guitar amps. Mullard 12AX7 / ECC83 New Production Preamp Vacuum Tube. The pins on the Russian tubes are just slightly thinner(vs EL84's) so some tightening of the sockets may be in order. Our Scott-donor ECC81/EL84 triode class A El Cheapo is a real stunner. In rough terms the EL84 is about twice as sensitive as a 6V6 (and 6AQ5). All Medium & Large; KT88 - 6550 -KT90 - KT120 - KT150 - KT170; 6L6 - 5881 -KT66 - 7027; EL34 - 6CA7 - KT77; 6V6 - 6F6 - 6K6 - 7408; 6AS7 - 6080 The 6BM8 power tube is also known as the equivalent part number ECL82. 95. Mar 29, The ECL82 (aka 6BM8) was designed by Mullard to serve both as a single tube audio amplifer (SE, or a pair for PP), and as a vertical deflector in TVs. Returnable until Jan 31, 2025 . I'd consider this an invitaion to build an El Cheapo variant. Joined 2002. For the difference in price ($11 for a new-production 6BM8 vs. 5W in PP (vs. The Allied 333/Pioneer SX-34 will now play surprisingly good. It's fairly close to having a 6AQ5 (a bit smaller than The pentode section of the 6BM8/ECL82 is lower-power, but basically similar to EL84. Sign in . 5V. 5AR4 / GZ34 Tubes; 5U4 Tubes; 5Y3 Rectifier Tubes; 6CA4 / EZ81 Tubes; 6X4 Tubes; Other Rectifier Tubes | Other Tubes . CMC Telflon 9pin 9pins vacuum Tube Socket for 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5/EL84 6CG7 6FQ7. All Medium & Large; KT88 - 6550 -KT90 - KT120 - KT150 - KT170; 6L6 - 5881 -KT66 - 7027; EL34 - 6CA7 - KT77; 6V6 - 6F6 - 6K6 - 7408; 6AS7 - 6080 6DX8/EL84 Tube Pin-outs: 1 = Gt 2 = Pt 3 = Kt 4 = Htr 5 = Htr 6 = Pp 7 = Kp, G3p 8 = G1p 9 = G2p 6XX8/ECL85 Tube Pin-outs: Base 9LY 1 = Pt 2 = Gt 3 = Kt 4 = Htr 5 = Htr 6 = Pp 7 = G2p 8 = Kp, G3p 9 = G1p 6GW8/ECL86 Tube Pin-outs: In the realm of vacuum tubes, the EL34 vs EL84 stand as iconic representatives of distinct tonal possibilities. Aug 31, 2016 #13 Bonkers60 said: I'm running EL-84M in my ST-35 per recommendations from others. Rørenes data ligner hinanden meget, men EL84 er OK i ultra-lineær kobling. 24 . The pentode can be looked upon as a EL84 with 9W instead of 12W Pa and the triode is one half 12AX7. Invalid value '0' for parameter userid in method vB_Api_User::fetchProfileInfo . Subscriber. 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; 6SN7; 6SL7; 7199; Clean and Overdriven Tone Characteristics. Any ideas? Curtis . I play with a band where we mike it into the P/A and it works fine for me. From a construction standpoint I think JJ has hit the mark. The ECL82 has a pentode but it is slightly lower-powered than an EL84, and the triode is more like a 5751 AFAICT You can use a 6BM8 as well, and use the pentode side for the driver and the triode side for the recovery, similar to using and EL84 to drive it, but only using one tube instead of 2 for the whole thing Building a better world (one tube amp at a time) "I have never had to invoke a formula to fight oscillation in a guitar amp. pdf (267906 bytes) 6BN11 General Electric pp 6BN11. White Empty Tube Box. Alan4411. Our inventory is labeled and packaged by GE (General Electric). Moderators: pompeiisneaks, Colossal. They offer all the common audio tube types: 12AX7, 12AT7, EL34, 6L6-GC, 6V6-GT, KT88, and 6550. Sounded good. Owners of amps from Dynaco, Eico, Mullard, and Fisher, among others, were enjoying great I am probably going to use OPTs designed for an EL84, not sure if they are made for 6. They require about 50V less voltage than EL84 and draw a bit more current. Lots to play with. So far Im happy just knowing Im using some new tubes from a well regarded mfr in all my EL84 use amps. Skip to content. "All else being equal" doesn't apply - you can never have equivalent conditions (not even Yellowjackets) that accurately compare both. 17W of EL84). 6BM8: DM: See the 6BM8 model. Stay Tuned: Guitar Blog Knowledge Base Menu Toggle. EL84 difference? (too old to reply) AJ 2007-04-05 11:59:28 UTC. Liverpool with ECL82 instead of EL84. or Neutral. 6k or 8k Primary impedances, they do have screen tappings for UL operation. Color: Version 1. The ECL86 was an evolution aimed at audio only. With respect, Tubenit The EL84, or commonly known as 6BQ5 in North America, was intended for use as an inexpensive alternative to the larger audio tubes of the time, such as EL34, 6L6, and KT66 power tubes. Set # 1:Preamp Tube: 12AX7Power Tube: EL84Set # 2:Preamp Tube: 12 Ceramic Basic 9 Pins Tube Socket For 12AX7 12AU7 6922 EL84 ECC83 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5 EL84 6CG7 6FQ7 6DJ8 ECC88 6DL4 6EU7. Neither is parallel single ended. Should be good for 2-3W in Class A, or 8-10W in AB. Other 6BM8 tubes just do not get it for best sound. The 6BM8 must run at lower current (larger cathode resistor) under those conditions a EL84 tubes in upgraded Scott 299 amps series sounds as good as upgraded 6BM8 amps with Siemens 6BM8. Much clearer and fuller sound than the EL84's clean and dirty. Also probably more likely to need a grid stopper due to high gm. I have a small room to work with, about 3X5 meters. A brand-new, unused, unopened and undamaged item in original retail packaging (where EL84 Power Tubes; KT120 Power Tubes; KT150 Power Tubes; KT66 Power Tubes; KT77 Power Tubes; KT88 Power Tubes; KT90 Power Tubes; SV83 Tubes; Tube Boxes; 12AT7 ECC81 JJ Electronics twin triode. At the same time the output The ECL82 is a "hi-fi" valve, hence used in the Bass version of the Dominator instead of the usual EL84 pairing - the actual WEM Dominator "25" (guitar) from the same 70s period is 3xECC83 2xEL84 (one ECC83 for each 6V6, EL84, 7591, 7868, 6BM8, 6GW8, work well with a 7-10k output depending how they are setup being cathode or fixed bias, slightly different voltage an current and especially if New Matched Trio of Electro-Harmonix 6BM8 (ECL82) Vacuum Tubes The world's only new production 6BM8 featuring a more robust plate structure for better sound. You should be able to get all the parts new for under $300, it's a simple design and from what I have read, these are great sounding tubes. Would you guys remove the entire bass channel circuit? Would you bother with it at all? That power tranny sure looks promising, but the opt's look like junk? Thanks The EL84-S Psvane ART SERIES get shipped as factory matched pair Psvane is manufacturing tubes with the sole intention to build High-End Audio We have the Mullard ECL82 (6BM8) vacuum tube in stock. Nice mids, sparkling highs and solid bottom end characterize this tube. Wholesale & retail trade. They have a smoothness that just cant be beat. 450mA Benforbindelserne for Within the same manufacturer, a 6BQ5/EL84 / 7189 / 7189A should all sound approximately the same. 20. None. 6BQ5/EL84 Early Amperex Bugle Boy, Amperex Hammond, or white label type OEM, 1950s with "D" getter, Holland, MATCHED PAIR: New Old Stock, white boxes and original boxes. In high voltage test the NOS Mullards were about 98 to 101% of the RCA spec. pdf (5434625 bytes) (cs) ECL82 RCA Could anyone please advise if this power trans would suit for a starting point for parts to attempt to build either a 6gw8 / 6bm8 or el84 SE amp, or would it suit all and is it also suitable for 240 V mains power ? If so which is the best way to bench test, if it is actually operative. tubenit. "- Enzo. EL84: 6BQ5: DM: See the 6BQ5 model. Replaces 6BM8 and ECL82 power tube types. au; Search. lulu9833 (1799) Business Registered as business seller. uk/ 2003-05-27 7:37 pm #8 2003-05-27 7:37 pm #8 The RFT EL84 is a rugged tube that was made in East Germany. Hvis 6CZ5 skal bruges i ultra-lineær push-pull, vil jeg ikke forsyne det med mere end 285V på anoden, og dermed samme på G2. I've owned the Tiny Terror, TH30, both EL84 and now a Rockerverb 50 MKll (2 x EL34). Qty: 6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P Svetlana NOS Tube Box for 6BQ5/EL84, 6BM8, 6CA4. Steve Availability considerations force you to use the 6BM8/ECL82, as Russian production is in the market place. However, I actually prefer using a 12A_7 with the 6BM8's because I like to be able to use a 12AT7 or 5751 for the LTPI. The new production Mullard EL84 / 6BQ5 Power vacuum tubes have lush mids & punchy bass & are perfect for the most demanding boutique EL84 amp owner. 6BM8 Purchase Electro-Harmonix 6BM8 / ECL82 vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. co. Shopping I think, for the most part, you can treat the triode section like half of a 12AX7 and the pentode like an EL84. The 12AT7 ECC81 Tube; The 12AU7 ECC82 Tube; The 12AX7 ECC83 Tube; The 12AY7 6072 Tube; The 6DJ8 6922 Tube; New Rectifier Tubes. The 6BM8 are two tubes in one and the triode section is likely The 6BM8 uses the same nine-pin socket as an EL 84, but it's NOT the same base. 2016-11-29 9:35 pm #6 2016-11-29 9:35 pm #6 OK, thanks for the heads up. Think clean Fender tones with a little crunch. Cost For an inexpensive EL84 option it is hard to beat the Russian 6P14P tubes. The ECL82 is broadly similar to half an ECC81 + a 3. markus Master Procrastinator. We will do all we can to help. In previous generation, the Just wish the 6GW8 tubes weren't so pricey, compared to 6V6 and EL84 tubes!? Steve . Odd tube set up no? Would anyone have a Sam's? HS-839A is apparently the model number. Sign In or Join Free. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item was packaged by the manufacturer Amperex EL84 / 6BQ5 made in Holland, Germany, or Austria are some of the most desirable EL84 in the world. It's fairly close to having a 6AQ5 (a bit smaller than the EL84/6BQ5) and a 6AV6 (1/2 a 12AX7, basically) in one unit. 2 x EL34 09-20-2010, 04:06 PM. Express, Liverpool, Rocket, Dirty Little Monster, etc. I'll post a "6BM8" version of the schematic soon. I guess the typical sound might be the Vox AC-15. Last edited: Sep 1, 2016. The price is reasonable for NOS stuff. At VIVA TUBES, all of our customers get the same high standard of testing and matching. By Leading Number; Clearance - Bargains - Scratch and Dent; Ham Radio - RF - Industrial Tubes; The Psvane EL84 are great in nearly any EL84 / 6BQ5 application. Despite being interchangeable in most circuits, there are some subtle differences to consider: Filament Voltage & Current: Both tubes share the same filament voltage (6. Cheers,I hate to bring bad news dhaen. HIGH QUALITY From $0. These looked like 6BQ5's so without looking them up, I plugged a pair into a home made amp. Generally, an EL84 tube can last between 1,000 to 2,000 hours, depending on usage and maintenance. Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Search titles only Do I see a conversion to normal EL84 and 12AX7s in the near future? It is for a Pioneer SX-410 receiver - all tube! revintage. 99. 5AR4 / GZ34 Tubes; 5U4 Tubes; 5Y3 Rectifier Tubes; 6CA4 / EZ81 Tubes; 6X4 Tubes; Other JJ EL84 From our review of this EL84 tube: "With the JJ EL84 tube you seem to get a compromise between tone and reliability. 7V compared to the 6AQ5s 12. 6CZ5. 5 watt pentode with other characteristic of EL84. if you want to run four, you'd need a new power transformer and output The EL84 is desired for breaking up, if you want clean headroom, don't use an EL84. 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; 6SN7; 6SL7; 7199; 5AR4 / GZ34 / GZ37; 5Y3 / 5Z3; 5U4; 2A3 / 6A3 / 300B; 211 / 242 6bq5 (el84) vs 6CW5 (el86) I forgot to mention that simply plugging a 6CW5 into an amp made for a 6BQ5 is really not a good idea. dave I decided to make a video series of my next project, a small 6BM8 SE UL scratch built amp that is perfect for a beginner or anyone looking for a fun project to build. Like listening to liquid music, these Amperex EL84 / 6BQ5 are the way to go. pdf (473964 Author Topic: 6MB8 vs. I would prefer the EL84 or 6BQ5 with individual self bias resistors 7189A, vox AC15, vox ac30, Matchless DC30, Matchless HC30, EL84, dr z carmen ghia, Dr Z maz 38, Dr Z maz 18, Dr Z monza, Dr Z mini z, Dr Z Stang Ray, Dr Z Z Wreck, Train wreck amplifiers, Orange Tiny Terror 6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P / 6Ф3П Matched PAIR (2 tubes) Amplitrex AT1000 Matching type tube made in Russia, old stock, solid long life The 6BM8 version is definately lower output than the EL84's. Email: Password: Login. You really want two gain stages, a phase splitter, and a trem oscillator. 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; 6SN7; 6SL7; 7199; 5AR4 / GZ34 / GZ37; 5Y3 / 5Z3; 5U4; 2A3 / 6A3 / 300B; 211 / 242 / 845; American 5 Tube Set; Parts & Accessories. Tweed deluxe, 18W, parallel SE, etc. The donor transformers are from an old reel to reel. Cart 0 Product Products (empty) No 4 x EL84 vs. Take your pick of circuits. I’m currently running some edifice R2000DB speakers, but I’m looking to step up into a small tube amp as over never tried Design choice for 12ax7 + ef86 + el84 or 6gw8 / 6bm8. This in a standard calibrated test circuit not unlike your Fender amp. ACE DYNACO Preferred Series EL84 (6BQ5) - A warmer, fatter sounding alternative to the now venerable JJ EL84, the Preferred Series EL84 tube is a versatile option that is quiet and resistant to microphonics. This ?? 6BM8? > (1)-2ax7/5y3/(2)6bq5's It would be hard to do guitar amp, push-pull, with trem, in one 1 2AX7. $15. If you convert to to el84s, you will lose two preamp triodes (I'd guess in the original I have read about some Audio Note gear using the 6BM8, but believe it is used as a driver tube vs a power tube. Ceramic 9 Pin B9A PCB MOUNT Tube Socket for 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5/EL84 6CG7. 6BM8 (Read 5325 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. For more information write to us Soviet Tubes. Music and guitar enthusiasts are well aware of the importance of power tubes in the production of sound and voltage. that you will have to refer to the manual to work with it. Re: what tubes can i substitute 6BM8/ECL82's with and with what result? valvesr4me 01:57:02 05/04/01 (0) In Reply to: what tubes can i substitute 6BM8/ECL82's with and with JJ EL84 / 6BQ5 Power Vacuum Tube. Previous topic - Next topic. Alex . The Matsushita are often advertised as AVO 6BM8 on ebay. Originally designed by Mullard in 1954, they wanted to show how good the EL84 tube was for audio amplification. ECL86, half an ECC83 + a similar but higher power The pentode section of the 6BM8/ECL82 is lower-power, but basically similar to EL84. Another good quality tube, again being used for small Guitar and HiFi Amps. otherwise. Which is a shame cuz I generally like the sound of the 6V6 family better (6CM6, 12AB5, some others) and in the late '90s I made a series of amp using the Mil Spec 6094 and 6005 variants of the 6AQ5 - one PP - FB amp The cut sheets I have don't say much for the EL84, I'm guessing it's 6. 6P14P / 7189 / ECL82 / 6BM8 High-Mu Triode / Power Pentode: ECL82: 9EX – Philips 1969: 6BM8: 9EX – Svetlana (SED) 1996: 6BM8: 9EX – RCA 1975 : ECL84 / 6DX8 High-Mu Triode / Sharp-CutOff Pentode: ECL84: 9HX – Philips 1958: 6DX8: 9HX EL84 / 6BQ5 Power Pentode: EL84: 9CV – Philips 1969: EL84: 9CV – EI: EL84: 9CV – JJ Electronic 2003: SV83: 9CV – Svetlana (SED) 6BM8 - ECL82 - 6GW8; 6AQ5 - EL90 - 6005 -6095; 6973 - 6CZ5; Medium & Large . I was thinking ef86>12ax7 cathode follower >tone stack> el84 Any ideas on a 6BM8 equivalent? This is a triode-pentode-in-one-tube device. It is tested using the Amplitrex AT1000, the RoeTest R9 Professional System, or a freshly calibrated and upgraded TV7-D/U. Puh-lenty of examples. Visit the YDELEKS Store. The triode part of the 6BM8 as a u of 70 so that puts it close to the 12AT7 family. 4pcs 9-pin Vacuum Tube Gold plated bakelite Sockets for 12AX7 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5 . So they 6V6, EL84, 7591, 7868, 6BM8, 6GW8, work well with a 7-10k output depending how they are setup being cathode or fixed bias, slightly different voltage an current and especially if there ran UL or Triode a higher primary can even benefit so many other tubes to run on EL84/6V6 based iron, 6L6 can be a really great choice here as well. The output is 18. 2009-04-15 7:57 am #11 2009-04-15 7:57 am #11 If you know that the ECL86 is 1/2 ECC83 +one EL84 in a single envelope and you know what those can sound like than that's one out of three eliminated. 76A), making While both these bottles are rated about the same for some reason the EL84 has continued in design and production while the 6AQ5 hasn't. Read full return policy Black Bakelite Vacuum Tube Socket Saver base For 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5/EL84 6CG7 amps Fit for 9pin tub The Toshiba 6BM8 is a quality tube perfect for your application. I play enough guitar to test an amp, but I'm not a guitar player by any stretch of the imagination. Package. If I have this right, an EL84 is a Pentode while a real 6BQ5 is a Beam Tetrode. I don't thinlk the impedance (mis)match would be a train If you’re interested in a 6v6 vs EL84 power amp tube comparison, you’ve come to the right post! Understanding Power Amp Tubes. $28. It offers reliability, great sound, and has a low price. EL34: Known for its tight, mid-focused growl, the EL34 tube is a staple in British amplifiers, often used in iconic rock and blues settings. I would not hesitate to use the 6BM8 triodes if you wanted to. but it's more than just 2 10" speakers vs. pdf (71067 bytes) ECL82 La Radiotechnique tP ECL82. :thmbsp: jaymanaa RIP 1961-2018. I got about the same peak to peak signal out of all tubes before On the other hand, the EL84 tube is more closely associated with the British invasion, offering a chimey, more aggressive, and midrange-focused sound that cuts through the mix. ). It has enough gain to delete an ECC83 in the pre. Electro Harmonix also offers replacement tubes for the difficult to find 7868, 7591, 6BM8/ECL82, and 6973 power tubes. The sockets will have to be mostly rewired (only the heaters are the These tubes contain a triode, which is similar to a 12AT7, and a pentode similar to an EL84, but with a lower power rating and slightly less gain. Plenty loud with a quality EF86 and a 120pf brightness switch, no tone stack. Manufacturer: Svetlana. I have about 2,000 hours on a quad of the 7189 version(6P14P-EV's), in my Fisher integrated. Joined 2011. It excels in delivering a Good for longer 9 pin tubes like 6CA4, 6X4,6BQ5,6BM8 and EL84 + more. EL84. MORE OF THESE RARE BABIES JUST IN!! These The EL84 6BQ5 and 7189 Tube; New Preamp Tubes. Just posted the ideas for others. Ask the Sarge or Jim McShane. $14 for a NOS 6GW8), it's not worth the work to rewire the thing, IMHO But, for those who can't easily access Radio Daze (i. look at how different a Vibrolux can sound compared to a Super. I don't hear a similarity with EL84's and 6BM8's and I have owned amps of both. Now, remove the Japanese 12AX7s and replace with RCA 12AX7 long plate tubes. All Medium & Large; KT88 - 6550 -KT90 - KT120 - KT150 - KT170; 6L6 - 5881 -KT66 - 7027; EL34 - 6CA7 - KT77; 6V6 - 6F6 - 6K6 - 7408 tubes That's definitely the cheapest price around. With proper care, a 6V6 tube can serve anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 hours. 9 Pin Tube Box. 2019-07-25 7:19 am #2 2019-07-25 7:19 am #2 Actually I do not understand the question, but the Russian 6p1p is a close equivalent of the 6AQ5 if you are looking a 9 pin substitute? JonSnell Electronic. They Fit for 9pin tube: 6DJ8 EL84 6922 6BM8 6BQ5/EL84 6CG7/6FQ7 6DJ8/ECC88 6DL4 6EU7 6AU8 12AT7/ECC81 12AU7/ECC82 12AX7/ECC83 12AY7 12AZ7 12BH7 12BY7 5751 5814 6189 7119/E182CC 7199 E80CC EF86 ect. Discover the differences between EL34 vs KT88 vacuum tubes in this basic guide. We opted for the thickest glass possible and the heaviest construction available, just like the Russian EL84M. Delivery date: Immediate. beam forming plates in the 6BQ5 similar to a 6V6/6L6??? Is there a general difference in sound similar to the difference between an EL34 & 6L6? Phil S. Schematics attached below. I'm looking for ideas for an amp with the following tubes 12ax7 + ef86 + el84 or 6gw8 / 6mb8. 3V) and current (0. As with any EL84 tube they can be prone to mechanical noise in combo amps. JJ EL84 / 6BQ5 Power Vacuum Tube. 5% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; £5. Started by crazynutter, April 28, 2014, 10:49:45 AM. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. kodabmx. Model Number. VACUUM capacitor relay nixie socket output pentode, REFLECTOR manufacturer. Mar 28, 2009 #4 Here's a tip, you can sometimes find Awai (check spelling) brand Japanese 6BM8 tubes on epay for cheap, and I've found them to sound better, and be way more robust than RCAs. They sound great, just not the same wattage as the EL84. The EL34 is considered better. I was thinking a 12ax7 would form the first two preamp stages then the triode in the 6bm8 would form the final FOR SALE: Vintage 1960's NOS 6BQ5 / EL84 + 6BM8/ECL82 + 6GW8/ECL86 Tubes . Gold grid, high quality! Full equivalent of EL82 tube, close analog of EL84 Cart. Specifications. Robert 6BM8 / ECL82 / 6F3P Svetlana NOS Availability: In stock. All 1960s to early 1970s vintage, these were used in smaller tube amps of the period, and are not currently being made anywhere. Between manufacturers is where you're going to get the big differences. Learn about their unique characteristics & how they impact your amp Skip to content. (6BM8) which is I thought about building a unique amp using a 6au6 preamp, and 2 6BM8 tubes (each have a triode and pentode) for the PI and finals. This tube is clear and detailed without being bright or etched. New production power tubes from Electro-Harmonix, Amperex, Tung-Sol, Telefunken & more! TubeDepot carries a selection of EL84 / 6BQ5 / 7189 Power Vacuum Tubes. You can also find those tubes on ebay. I've also found that sometimes the printed "Made In" stuff isn't accurate either. 97. Some sellers charge more for premium matches but we believe all . Works in Scott & Fisher amps. They are also known as ECL82s, The EL86 was derived from the EL84 tube, but has a lower output impedance and allows OTL applications with higher impedance speakers or headphones. 6BM8 Tung-Sol tP 6BM8. The similar one would be 6GW8, but it is different spec. The 6BM8 must run at lower current (larger cathode resistor) under those conditions a AUDIO output Transformer for Single-ended Tube amp 6P3P 6P6P EL84 EL34 6P14 type | eBay . Watch Report This Ad. My current setup is: Teac TN-350 turntable Audiotechnica VM540ML cartridge Pro-ject tube box s2 phono pre. 12W) EL84/6BQ5. Basically, all they have common is the 'E' and the 'L' aka theyre both 6. The sockets will have to be mostly rewired (only the heaters are the same). 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is Read more about the condition New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Will work in place of: 6H30Pi, 6H30P, 6H30P-I, 6H30Pie Testing and/or Matching. Hign-concerned Chemical. Bad idea, no matter where I set the bias the tubes glowed. Final tube selection included a head to head using old Mullard build I61 and I63 vs. Fisher ran the plates at a high 380v but dropped the screens to 315v. I have a few Princeton sized outputs, some 6BM8's and a few similar PT's so I'd love to see what people come up with. I did put a MV on it (had the old "Presence" control hole to fill) but find I have it "off" or fully dimed most of the time. 6BM8 = 9EX; el84 = 9CV. Permalink. And yes, they El34 vs EL84 power amp for my setup? Discussion First post here, long time reader. If you Title: 6BM8 Author: RCA Subject: FP-2011-12-18 Created Date: 12/18/2011 9:07:12 PM Your typical EL84 pair is about 15 watts or so. EF86: EF86: DM: Model issue 17th May 1997. 1 Universal Board PCB : ECC81 ECC82 ECC83 12AT7 12AU7 12AX7 ECL82 6BM8 ECL86 EF86 EL84 6BQ5 EL86 6CW5 (PCL82 UCL82 PCL86. We will do our best to solve it for you. $23. Nếu chưa có đèn thì bạn nên tìm EL84 (đèn Nga tương đương là 6P14P, 6P15P) để lắp, nghe khá hơn 6BM8. 3 Products TubeDepot carries a selection of EL84 / 6BQ5 / 7189 Power Vacuum Tubes. - professional PCB double side. Email $17. bit less gain with 6BM8/ECL82s. I've used these for single ended I can't think of any amp that allows for direct comparison of EL34 and EL84 power. 6BM8 / ECL82; 12DW7 / 7247; 12BH7; 6SN7; 6SL7; 7199; 5AR4 / GZ34 / GZ37; 5Y3 / 5Z3; 5U4; 2A3 / 6A3 / 300B; 211 / 242 / 845; The 6BM8 is a 9 pin current production tube containing one high gain triode (pre amp tube) and one power pentode in the same glass envelope. Home; What My Matt demonstrates swapping out power amp tubes: EL84 vs EL34. 6BM8 | ECL82 Tubes; 7027 Tubes; 7591 Tubes; 7868 Tubes; 211 | VT4-C Tubes; 807 Tubes; 845 Tubes; Big Powers Tubes | Rectifier Tubes . The original Tung-Sol EL84/6BQ5 was a popular OEM power tube for American-made EL84/6BQ5 guitar amplifiers, such as those built by Gibson and Harmony. their new reissue tung sol are supposed to be very good a s well. Info: Vintage 1960's NOS 6BQ5 / EL84 + 6BM8/ECL82 + 6GW8/ECL86 Tubes Asking Price: CAD $ 45. I got a bunch of 6CW5's from dismantling a few hundred pounds of HP oscillators. 2526 AK Subscriber. For the 2024 holiday season, eligible items purchased between November 1 and December 31, 2024 can be returned until January 31, 2025. 6L6GC runs about 45 watts per pair or so. - universal schematic ready, with preset values. Of course, I will probably still want it for use in really small/quieter venues. To prove it, Mullard created the now famous Classic 5-10 amplifier (check it out online, there are New Old Stock 6BM8 ECL82 CV9167 Valves - IN STOCK - FAST SHIPPING - AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND. NOTE The 7189 A has a different pinout and is can be substituted by the 7189 or EL84. eghbyqp cbc ygxyej pspipgqd pgabwz oymxiox whis pxduj anwusltt dfto
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